## Not run:
# ## Example 1. Getting all of the package names available for download
# ## from CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/)
# # First, pull in the page's source code, check for (and follow) a page redirection,
# # and retrieve the headers before deciding to parse the code.
# pageSource<-scrape(url="http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/",headers=TRUE,
# parse=FALSE)
# # Second, inspect the headers to ensure a status code of 200, which means the page
# # was served properly. If okay, then parse the object into an XML tree and retrieve
# # all of the package names.
# if(attributes(pageSource)$headers["statusCode"]==200) {
# page<-scrape(object="pageSource")
# xpathSApply(page,"//table//td/a",xmlValue)
# } else {
# cat("There was an error with the page. \n")
# }
# ## End(Not run)
## Example 2. Parsing a local XML file, then pulling out information of interest
# First, locate and parse the demo recipe file supplied with this package
# Next, retrieve the names of the dry ingredients that I'll need to buy
# Next, remind myself how much flour is needed
# Finally, remind myself who the author of this recipe is
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