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sdcMicro (version 5.6.1)

mergeHouseholdData: Replaces the raw household-level data with the anonymized household-level data in the full dataset for anonymization of data with a household structure (or other hierarchical structure). Requires a matching household ID in both files.


Replaces the raw household-level data with the anonymized household-level data in the full dataset for anonymization of data with a household structure (or other hierarchical structure). Requires a matching household ID in both files.


mergeHouseholdData(dat, hhId, dathh)


a data.frame with the treated household level variables and the raw individual level variables



a data.frame with the full dataset


name of the household (cluster) ID (identical in both datasets)


a dataframe with the treated household level data (generated for example with selectHouseholdData)


Thijs Benschop and Bernhard Meindl


Run this code
## Load data
x <- testdata
## Create household level dataset
x_hh <- selectHouseholdData(dat=x, hhId="ori_hid",
  hhVars=c("urbrur", "roof",  "walls", "water", "electcon", "household_weights"))
## Anonymize household level dataset and extract data
sdc_hh <- createSdcObj(x_hh, keyVars=c('urbrur','roof'), w='household_weights')
sdc_hh <- kAnon(sdc_hh, k = 3)
x_hh_anon <- extractManipData(sdc_hh)

## Merge anonymized household level data back into the full dataset
x_anonhh <- mergeHouseholdData(x, "ori_hid", x_hh_anon)

## Anonymize full dataset and extract data
sdc_full <- createSdcObj(x_anonhh, keyVars=c('sex', 'age', 'urbrur', 'roof'), w='sampling_weight')
sdc_full <- kAnon(sdc_full, k = 3)
x_full_anon <- extractManipData(sdc_full)

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