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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

calc.dimVar: modify dimVar-objects depending on argument type


modify dimVar-objects depending on argument type


calc.dimVar(object, type, input)

# S4 method for dimVar,character,character calc.dimVar(object, type, input)


information from object depending on type

  • a character vector if type matches 'matchCodeOrig', 'matchCodeDefault', 'standardize' or 'requiredMinimalCodes'

  • a logical vector of length 1 if type matches 'hasDefaultCodes' being TRUE if argument input are default codes and FALSE otherwise



an object of class dimVar


a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:

  • hasDefaultCodes: calculates if a vector of codes (specified by argument input) corresponds to default codes in object

  • matchCodeOrig: obtain default|standard codes for a vector of original codes specified by argument input

  • matchCodeDefault: obtain original codes for a vector of default|standard codes specified by argument input

  • standardize: perform standardization of level-codes (temporarily removing duplicates,..)

  • requiredMinimalCodes: calculate a set of minimal codes that are required to calculate a specific (sub)total specified by argument input


a character vector


Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at