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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

calc.linProb: perform calculations on linProb-objects depending on argument type


perform calculations on linProb-objects depending on argument type


calc.linProb(object, type, input)

# S4 method for linProb,character,list calc.linProb(object, type, input)


manipulated data based on argument type

  • list containing the solution and additional information if argument type matches 'solveProblem

  • a numeric vector of indices if argument type matches 'fixVariables'



an object of class linProb


a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:

  • solveProblem: solve the linear problem (minimize objective function)

  • fixVariables: try to fix objective variables to 0|1 based on dual costs depending on input


a list depending on argument type.

  • type==solveProblem: a list of length 1

    • first element: character vector of length 1 specifying the solver to use.

  • type==fixVariables: a list of length 3

    • first element: numeric vector specifying lower bounds for the objective variables

    • second element: numeric vector specifying upper bounds for the objective variables

    • third element: numeric vector specifying indices of primary suppressed cells


Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at