-objects depending on argument type
modify simpleTriplet
-objects depending on argument type
calc.simpleTriplet(object, type, input)# S4 method for simpleTriplet,character,list
calc.simpleTriplet(object, type, input)
an object of class simpleTriplet
an object of class simpleTriplet
a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:
removeRow: remove a row with given index from object
removeCol: remove a column with given index from object
addRow: add a row to object
addCol: add a column to object
modifyRow: change specified row of object
modifyCol: change specified column of object
modifyCell: change specified cell of object
bind: bind two objects of class simpleTriplet
a list depending on argument type
type==removeRow: input is a list of length 1
first element: numeric vector of length 1 defining the index of the row that should be removed
type==removeCol: input is a list of length 1
first element: numeric vector of length 1 defining the index of the column that should be removed
type==addRow: input is a list of length 2
first element: numeric vector of column-indices
second element: numeric vector defining the cell-values of the row that will be added
type==addCol: input is a list of length 2
first element: numeric vector of row-indices
second element: numeric vector defining the cell-values of the column that will be added
type==modifyRow: input is a list of length 3
first element: numeric vector of length 1 specifying the the row-index of the row that will be modified
second element: numeric vector specifying the column-indices that should be modified
third element: numeric vector defining values that should be set in the given row
type==modifyCol: input is a list of length 3
first element: numeric vector specifying the row-indices that should be modified
second element: numeric vector of length 1 specifying the the column-index of the column that will be modified
third element: numeric vector defining values that should be set in the given column
type==modifyCell: input is a list of length 3
first element: numeric vector of length 1 defining the column-index
second element: numeric vector of length 1 defining the row-index
third element: numeric vector of length 1 holding the value that should be set in the given cell
type==bind: input is a list of length 2
first element: an object of class simpleTriplet
second argument: is a logical vector of length 1 being TRUE if a 'rbind' or 'FALSE' if a 'cbind' should be done
Bernhard Meindl