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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

createRegSDCInput: Create input for RegSDC/other Tools


This function transforms a sdcProblem object into an object that can be used as input for RegSDC::SuppressDec (among others).


createRegSDCInput(x, chk = FALSE)


an list with the following elements:

  • mat: linear combinations depending on inner-cells of the given problem instance.

  • y: a 1-column matrix containing the frequencies of inner cells

  • z: a 1-column matrix containing the frequencies of all cells

  • z_supp: a 1-column matrix containing the frequencies of all cells but suppressed cells have a value of NA

  • info: a data.frame with the following columns:

    • cell_id: internal cell-id used in sdcTable

    • is_innercell: a binary indicator if the cell is an internal cell (TRUE) or a (sub)total (FALSE)



a sdcProblem object


a logical value deciding if computed linear relations should be additionally checked for validity


Bernhard Meindl (bernhard.meindl@gmail.com)


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
utils::data("microdata1", package = "sdcTable")

# define the problem
dim_region <- hier_create(root = "total", nodes = sort(unique(microdata1$region)))
dim_gender <- hier_create(root = "total", nodes = sort(unique(microdata1$gender)))

prob <- makeProblem(
  data = microdata1,
  dimList = list(region = dim_region, gender = dim_gender),
  freqVarInd = NULL

# suppress some cells
prob <- primarySuppression(prob, type = "freq", maxN = 15)

# compute input for RegSDC-package
inp_regsdc <- createRegSDCInput(x = prob, chk = TRUE)

# estimate innner cells based on linear dependencies
res_regsdc <- RegSDC::SuppressDec(
  x = as.matrix(inp_regsdc$x),
  z = inp_regsdc$z_supp,
  y = inp_regsdc$y)[, 1]

# check if inner cells are all protected
df <- data.frame(
  freqs_orig = inp_regsdc$z[inp_regsdc$info$is_innercell == TRUE, ],
  freqs_supp = inp_regsdc$z_supp[inp_regsdc$info$is_innercell == TRUE, ],
  regsdc = res_regsdc

subset(df, df$regsdc == df$freqs_orig & is.na(freqs_supp))


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