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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

cutList-class: S4 class describing a cutList-object


An object of class cutList holds constraints that can be extracted and used as for objects of class linProb-class. An object of class cutList consists of a constraint matrix (slot con), a vector of directions (slot direction) and a vector specifying the right hand sides of the constraints (slot rhs).



Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at


slot con:

an object of class simpleTriplet-class specifying the constraint matrix of the problem

slot direction:

a character vector holding the directions of the constraints, allowed values are:

  • ==: equal

  • <: less

  • >: greater

  • <=: less or equal

  • >=: greater or equal

slot rhs:

numeric vector holding right hand side values of the constraints