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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

dimInfo-class: S4 class describing a dimInfo-object


An object of class dimInfo holds all necessary information about the dimensional variables defining a hierarchical table that needs to be protected.



Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at


slot dimInfo:

a list (or NULL) with all list elements being objects of class dimVar

slot strID:

a character vector (or NULL) defining IDs that identify each table cell. The ID's are based on (default) codes of the dimensional variables defining a cell.

slot strInfo:

a list object (or NULL) with each list element being a numeric vector of length 2 defining the start and end-digit that is allocated by the i-th dimensional variable in ID-codes available in slot strID

slot vNames:

a character vector (or NULL) defining the variable names of the dimensional variables defining the table structure

slot posIndex:

a numeric vector (or NULL) holding the position of the dimensional variables within slot rawData of class dataObj