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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

init.simpleTriplet: initialize simpleTriplet-objects depending on argument type


init.simpleTriplet should be used to create objects of class simpleTriplet. It is possible to create an object from class simpleTriplet from an existing matrix (using type=='simpleTriplet'). A positive (or negative) identity matrix stored as an object of class simpleTriplet can be created by specifying type=='simpleTripletDiag'.


init.simpleTriplet(type, input)

# S4 method for character,list init.simpleTriplet(type, input)


an object of class simpleTriplet



a character vector of length 1 defining what|how to initialize. Allowed types are:

  • simpleTriplet: a simple triplet matrix

  • simpleTripletDiag: identity matrix


a list depending on argument type.

  • type == 'simpleTriplet': input is a list of length 1

    • first element: object of class 'matrix'

  • type == 'simpleTripletDiag': input is a list of length 2

    • first element: numeric vector of length 1 defining the desired number of rows of the identiy matrix

    • second element: logical vector of length 1 being TRUE if a positive and FALSE if a negative identity matrix should be returned


Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at