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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

runArgusBatchFile: runArgusBatchFile


allows to run batch-files for tau argus given the path to an executable of argus. The provided batch input files can either be created using function createArgusInput or can be arbitrarily created. In the latter case, argument obj should not be specified and not output is returned, the script is just executed in tau-argus.


  obj = NULL,
  exe = "C:\\Tau\\TauArgus.exe",
  batchDataDir = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE


a data.table containing the protected table or an error in case the batch-file was not solved correctly if the batch-file was created using sdcTable (argument obj) was specified. In case an arbitrarily batch-file has been run, NULL is returned.



NULL or an object of class sdcProblem-class that was used to generate the batchfile for argus. If not NULL, this object is used to create correct variable names. Else, only the output from tau-Argus is read and returned as a data.table. In this case it is possible to run tau-Argus on arbitrarily created batch-files.


a filepath to an batch-input file created by e.g. createArgusInput.


(character) file-path to tau-argus executable


if different from NULL, this directory is used to look for input-file and writes output files to. This helps to use relative paths in batch input files.


(logical) if TRUE, some additional information is printed to the prompt