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sdcTable (version 0.32.2)

simpleTriplet-class: S4 class describing a simpleTriplet-object


Objects of class simpleTriplet define matrices that are stored in a sparse format. Only the row- and column indices and the corresponding values of non-zero cells are stored. Additionally, the dimension of the matrix given by the total number of rows and columns is stored.



Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at


slot i:

a numeric vector specifying row-indices with each value being geq 1 and leq of the value in nrRows

slot j:

a numeric vector specifying column-indices with each value being geq 1 and leq of the value in nrCols

slot v:

a numeric vector specifying the values of the matrix in cells specified by the corresponding row- and column indices

slot nrRows:

a numeric vector of length 1 holding the total number of rows of the matrix

slot nrCols:

a numeric vector of length 1 holding the total number of columns of the matrix