-objects depending on argument type
query dimVar
-objects depending on argument type
get.dimVar(object, type)# S4 method for dimVar,character
get.dimVar(object, type)
information from objects of class dataObj
depending on argument type
a list if argument type
matches 'dims'
numeric vector if argument type
matches 'levels' or 'nrLevels'
character vector if argument type
matches 'codesOriginal', 'codesDefault', 'vName', 'dups', 'dupsUp' or 'minimalCodesDefault'
logical vector of length 1 if argument type
matches 'hasDuplicates'
a logical vector if argument type
matches 'codesMinimal'
an object of class dimVar
a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:
varName: variable name of the variable from which object
was calculated
codesOriginal: original codes (as specified by the user)
codesDefault: calculated, default codes
codesMinimal: all codes required to calculate the complete hierarchy (no sub-totals)
levels: level-structure of the dimensional variable
structure: vector showing how many digits in the default codes are required for each level
dims: list showing the complete hierarchy of the dimensional variable
dups: vector of duplicated codes
dupsUp: vector of codes that are the 'upper' levels to which the codes in dups
hasDuplicates: does the dimensional variable has codes that can be (temporarily) removed
nrLevels: the total number of levels of a dimensional variable
minimalCodesDefault: the standardized codes of the minimal set of required level-codes
Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at