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sdcTable (version 0.32.6)

get.dimVar: query dimVar-objects depending on argument type


query dimVar-objects depending on argument type


get.dimVar(object, type)

# S4 method for dimVar,character get.dimVar(object, type)


information from objects of class dataObj depending on argument type

  • a list if argument type matches 'dims'

  • numeric vector if argument type matches 'levels' or 'nrLevels'

  • character vector if argument type matches 'codesOriginal', 'codesDefault', 'vName', 'dups', 'dupsUp' or 'minimalCodesDefault'

  • logical vector of length 1 if argument type matches 'hasDuplicates'

  • a logical vector if argument type matches 'codesMinimal'



an object of class dimVar


a character vector of length 1 defining what to calculate|return|modify. Allowed types are:

  • varName: variable name of the variable from which object was calculated

  • codesOriginal: original codes (as specified by the user)

  • codesDefault: calculated, default codes

  • codesMinimal: all codes required to calculate the complete hierarchy (no sub-totals)

  • levels: level-structure of the dimensional variable

  • structure: vector showing how many digits in the default codes are required for each level

  • dims: list showing the complete hierarchy of the dimensional variable

  • dups: vector of duplicated codes

  • dupsUp: vector of codes that are the 'upper' levels to which the codes in dups correspond

  • hasDuplicates: does the dimensional variable has codes that can be (temporarily) removed

  • nrLevels: the total number of levels of a dimensional variable

  • minimalCodesDefault: the standardized codes of the minimal set of required level-codes


Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at