Solubility product of aragonite (mol/kg)
Kspa(S=35, T=25, P=0, warn="y")
Solubility product of aragonite (mol2/kg)
Salinity, default is 35
Temperature in degrees Celsius, default is 25oC
Hydrostatic pressure in bar (surface = 0), default is 0
"y" to show warnings when T or S go beyond the valid range for Kspa; "n" to supress warnings. The default is "y".
Aurelien Proye and Jean-Pierre Gattuso
This formulation is only valid for specific ranges of temperature and salinity:
S ranging between 5 and 44 and T ranging between 5 and 40oC.
Pressure coorection was performed as described by Millero (1995).
Note that the arguments can be given as a unique number or as vectors. If the lengths of the vectors are different, the longer vector is retained and only the first value of the other vectors is used. It can therefore be critical to use vectors of the same length.
Millero F. J., 1995 Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide system in the oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59 661-677.
Mucci A., 1983 The solubility of calcite and aragonite in seawater at various salinities, temperature, and one atmosphere total pressure. American Journal of Science 283: 780-799.