Pressure corrections are based on the following equations:
$$ \ln{\frac{K_{i}^{P}}{K_{i}^{0}}} = -\frac{\Delta V_{i}}{RT}.P + 0.5\frac{\Delta K_{i}}{RT}.P^{2} $$
with $$ \Delta V_{i} = a_{0} + a_{1}T + a_{2}T^{2} $$ and $$ \Delta K_{i} = b_{0} + b_{1}T + b_{2}T^{2} $$
The variables are:
K indicating the type of equilibrium constant
coefficient \(a_0\)
coefficient \(a_1\)
coefficient \(a_2\)
coefficient \(b_0\)
coefficient \(b_1\)
coefficient \(b_2\)
A data frame with 15 rows and 7 variables
For Kb, to be consistent with Millero (1979) a2 was changed to -2.608e-3 instead of 2.608e-3 (value given in Millero, 1995) For Kw, coefficients are from Millero (1983).