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searchConsoleR (version 0.3.0)

searchConsoleR: searchConsoleR


Provides an interface with the Google Search Console API v3, formally called Google Webmaster Tools.

To get started, use googleAuthR::gar_auth() to authenticate.


Search analytics

search_analytics - download Google SEO data into an R dataframe.

Website admin

list_websites - list websites in your Google Search Console.

add_website - add a website to your Google Search Console.

delete_website - delete a website from your Google Search Console.


list_sitemaps - list sitemaps recognised in Google Search Console.

add_sitemap - add sitemap URL location to Google Search Console.

delete_sitemap - remove sitemap URL location in Google Search Console.

Error listings

crawl_errors - list types of crawl errors googlebot has found.

list_crawl_error_samples - lists example URLs with errors.

error_sample_url - details about an example URL error.

fix_sample_url - mark a URL as fixed.