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seasonal (version 1.7.0)

static: Static Call of a seas Object


In a 'static' call, the default automatic procedures in the model call are substituted by the choices they made.


static(x, coef = FALSE, x11.filter = FALSE, test = TRUE,
  fail = FALSE, evaluate = FALSE)



an object of class seas.


logical. If TRUE, the coefficients are treated as fixed, instead of beeing estimated.


logical. X-11 only. if TRUE, the X-11 moving averages will be fixed as well. This leads to different filters at different stages, and the resulting series can be are slightly different. If test = TRUE, this may cause a warning message.


logical. By default the static call is executed and compared to the input call. If the final series is not identical, a message is returned. If FALSE, no test is performed (faster).


logical. If TRUE, differences will cause an error. Ignored if test = FALSE.


logical. If TRUE, the call is evaluated.


Object of class "call". Or an object of class "seas" if evaluate = TRUE.


If evaluate = TRUE, the call is evaluated. The call can be copy/pasted to a script and used for further manipulations or future evaluation of the same model.

By default, the static call is tested. It is executed and compared to the input call. If the final series is not identical, a message is returned.

If coef = TRUE, the coefficients are fixed as well. If x11.filter = TRUE, the X-11 moving averages are fixed as well.


Vignette with a more detailed description: http://www.seasonal.website/seasonal.html

Comprehensive list of R examples from the X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual: http://www.seasonal.website/examples.html

Official X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual: https://www.census.gov/ts/x13as/docX13ASHTML.pdf

See Also

getCall to extract the actual call.

seas for the main function of seasonal.


Run this code
m <- seas(AirPassengers)
getCall(m)                   # default call
static(m)                    # static call
static(m, test = FALSE)      # much faster
static(m, evaluate = TRUE)   # returns an object of class "seas"

m <- seas(AirPassengers, x11 = "")

static(m, x11.filter = TRUE) # also fixes the X-11 filter (with a warning)
static(m, coef = TRUE)       # also fixes the coefficients
# }

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