A data frame containing 2,893 data variables and 30-day and
1-day streamflow anomalies (Ryberg and Vecchia, 2012).
yrx numeric Year
mox numeric Month
dax numeric Day
jdayx numeric Julian day from first day water year for start year in fitswavecav
flowa30 numeric 30-day streamflow anomaly
flowa1 numeric 1-day streamflow anomaly
Internal data captured from the following function call:
fitswavecav(cdat=modMoRivOmaha, cavdat=cqwMoRivOmaha,
tanm="myexample", pnames=c("04041"), yrstart=1995,
yrend=2003, tndbeg=1995, tndend=2003,
iwcav=c("flowa30","flowa1"), dcol="dates",