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secr (version 4.6.10)

Rsurface: Smoothed Resource Surface


Creates a smoothed resource surface from a covariate of a mask. Smoothing entails summing the value in each pixel weighted by a detection kernel centred on the focal pixel. The detection kernel represents home-range utilization with spatial scale sigma. The resulting surface is equivalent to the denominator used by Royle et al. (2013) to normalize site-specific detection.


Rsurface(mask, sigma, usecov = NULL, alpha2 = 1, detectfn = 'HHN', z = 1,
 inverse = FALSE, scale = TRUE)


An object with class c(`Rsurface', `mask', `data.frame') and covariate `Resource' (other covariates are retained from the input mask). The attribute `scale' is 1.0 if scale = FALSE; otherwise it is the average of the resource over the masked area.



secr habitat mask object (single-session)


numeric spatial scale of home range model


numeric coefficient of spatial covariate


character name of resource covariate


integer or character code for detection function


numeric shape parameter of home range model


logical; if TRUE the reciprocal of smoothed resource is returned


logical; not used


detectfn may be uniform (‘UN’) or one of the cumulative-hazard functions (‘HHN’, ‘HHR’, ‘HEX’, ‘HAN’, ‘HCG’) (or integer codes 4, 14:18; see detectfn).

The default ‘HHN’ corresponds to a halfnormal function on the hazard scale, or a bivariate circular normal home range.

If usecov is not named then it takes the value 1.0 for all points on the mask and zero otherwise.

The Rsurface can be used implicitly to normalize detection probability when fitting a model with detector-specific covariate equal to usecov (see details, but the process is intricate and not fully documented).


Royle, J. A., Chandler, R. B., Sun, C. C. and Fuller, A. K. (2013) Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture--recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4, 520--530.

See Also

mask, plot.Rsurface, spotHeight, details


Run this code

## create binary covariate (0 outside habitat)
msk <- make.mask(traps(possumCH), buffer = 800)
covariates(msk) <- data.frame(z = as.numeric(pointsInPolygon

## derive and plot "resource availability"
Rs <- Rsurface(msk, sigma = 100, usecov = 'z')
plot(Rs, plottype = 'contour', col = topo.colors(10))

if (interactive()) {
    spotHeight(Rs, dec = 2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab