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secr (version 5.2.0)

D.designdata: Construct Density Design Data


Internal function used by secr.fit, confint.secr, and score.test.


D.designdata (mask, Dmodel, grouplevels, sessionlevels, sessioncov =
NULL, meanSD = NULL)


Dataframe with one row for each combination of mask point, group and session. Conceptually, we use a 3-D rectangular array with enough rows to accommodate the largest mask, so some rows in the output may merely hold space to enable easy indexing. The dataframe has an attribute `dimD' that gives the relevant dimensions: attr(dframe, "dimD") = c(nmask, ngrp, R), where nmask is the number of mask points, ngrp is the number of groups, and R is the number of sessions. Columns correspond to predictor variables in Dmodel.

The number of valid rows (points in each session-specific mask) is stored in the attribute `validMaskRows'.

For a single-session mask, meanSD is a 2 x 2 matrix of mean and SD (rows) for x- and y-coordinates. For a multi-session mask, a list of such objects. Ordinarily these values are from the meanSD attribute of the mask, but they must be specified when applying a new mask to an existing model.



mask object.


formula for density model


vector of group names


vector of character values for session names


optional dataframe of values of session-specific covariate(s).


optional external values for scaling x- and y- coordinates


This is an internal secr function that you are unlikely ever to use. Unlike secr.design.MS, this function does not call model.matrix.

See Also
