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secr (version 5.2.0)

capthist.parts: Dissect Spatial Capture History Object


Extract parts of an object of class `capthist'.


animalID(object, names = TRUE, sortorder = c("snk", "ksn"))
occasion(object, sortorder = c("snk", "ksn"))
trap(object, names = TRUE, sortorder = c("snk", "ksn"))
alive(object, sortorder = c("snk", "ksn"))
alongtransect(object, tol = 0.01)
xy(object) <- value
telemetryxy(object, includeNULL = FALSE)
telemetryxy(object) <- value


For animalID and trap a vector of numeric or character values, one per detection.

For alive a vector of logical values, one per detection.

For occasion, a vector of numeric values, one per detection.

For xy, a dataframe with one row per detection and columns `x' and `y'.

If object has multiple sessions, the result is a list with one component per session.



a `capthist' object


if FALSE the values returned are numeric indices rather than names


character code for sort order (see Details)


tolerance for snapping to transect line (m)


replacement value (see Details)


logical; if TRUE a NULL component is included for untelemetered animals


These functions extract data on detections, ignoring occasions when an animal was not detected. By default, detections are ordered by occasion, animalID and trap (sortorder = "snk"). The alternative is to order by trap, occasion and animalID (sortorder = "ksn"). (`n', `s' and `k' are the indices used internally for animals, occasions and traps respectively).

For historical reasons, "ksn" is used for locations within polygons and similar (xy).

trap returns polygon or transect numbers if traps(object) has detector type `polygon' or `transect'.

alongtransect returns the distance of each detection from the start of the transect with which it is associated.

Replacement values must precisely match object in number of detections and in their order. xy<- expects a dataframe of x and y coordinates for points of detection within a `polygon' or `transect' detector. telemetryxy<- expects a list of dataframes, one per telemetered animal.

See Also

capthist, polyID, signalmatrix


Run this code

## `captdata' is a demonstration dataset

temp <- sim.capthist(popn = list(D = 1), make.grid(detector
    = "count"))
cbind(ID = as.numeric(animalID(temp)), occ = occasion(temp),
    trap = trap(temp))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab