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secr (version 5.2.0)

detector: Detector Type


Extract or replace the detector type.


detector(object, ...)
detector(object) <- value


character string for detector type



object with `detector' attribute e.g. traps


character string for detector type


other arguments (not used)


Valid detector types are `single', `multi', `proximity', `count', `capped', `signal', `polygon', `transect', `polygonX', and `transectX'. The detector type is stored as an attribute of a traps object. Detector types are mostly described by Efford et al. (2009a,b; see also secr-overview.pdf). Polygon and transect detector types are for area and linear searches as described in secr-polygondetectors.pdf and Efford (2011). The `signal' detector type is used for acoustic data as described in secr-sound.pdf.

The `capped' detector type refers to binary proximity data in which no more than one individual may be detected at a detector on any occasion. The type is partially implemented in secr 3.1.1: data may be simulated and manipulated, but for model fitting these are treated as proximity data by secr.fit().


Efford, M. G. (2011) Estimation of population density by spatially explicit capture--recapture with area searches. Ecology 92, 2202--2207.

Efford, M. G., Borchers D. L. and Byrom, A. E. (2009a) Density estimation by spatially explicit capture-recapture: likelihood-based methods. In: D. L. Thomson, E. G. Cooch and M. J. Conroy (eds) Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Springer, New York. Pp. 255--269.

Efford, M. G., Dawson, D. K. and Borchers, D. L. (2009b) Population density estimated from locations of individuals on a passive detector array. Ecology 90, 2676--2682.

See Also

traps, RShowDoc


Run this code
## Default detector type is "multi"
temptrap <- make.grid(nx = 6, ny = 8)
detector(temptrap) <- "proximity"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab