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secr (version 5.2.0)

setNumThreads: Number of Threads


Set or report the number of cores to be used for multi-threaded operations. A wrapper for the RcppParallel function setThreadOptions (Allaire et al. 2019).


setNumThreads(ncores, ...)


The new value of the environment variable RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS.



integer number of threads to use


other arguments passed to RcppParallel::setThreadOptions, specifically stackSize


If ncores is NULL then the current value of the environment variable RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS is used. RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS defaults to 2 at the start of a session (assuming at least 2 logical cores available).

Calling setNumThreads() with no arguments is a handy way to check how many threads are in use.

The value of RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS is also reset when a multi-threaded function such as secr.fit is called with a non-NULL value of the ncores argument. This value applies in later calls of secr.fit with ncores = NULL until changed.


Allaire, J. J., Francois, R., Ushey, K., Vandenbrouck, G., Geelnard, M. and Intel (2019) RcppParallel: Parallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'. R package version 4.4.4. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RcppParallel.

See Also

Parallel, setThreadOptions Sys.getenv


Run this code

# determine current number of threads


if (FALSE) {

# set new number of threads

# a call to secr.fit that specifies 'ncores' also sets the 
# number of threads, as we see here

fit <- secr.fit(captdata, trace = FALSE, ncores = 8)


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