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secr (version 5.2.0)

sighting: Sighting Attributes


Extract or replace the markocc attribute of a traps object that distinguishes marking occasions from sighting occasions. Also, extract or replace the attributes Tu, Tm and Tn of a capthist object, used for storing counts of sightings. All attributes are optional, but Tu, Tm and Tn require markocc to be specified.


markocc(object, ...)
markocc(object) <- value
Tu(object, ...)
Tu(object) <- value
Tm(object, ...)
Tm(object) <- value
Tn(object, ...)
Tn(object) <- value


markocc(object) returns the markocc vector of the traps

object. markocc(object) may be NULL.

Tu, Tm and Tn return the respective attributes of a capthist object, or NULL if they are unspecified.

sighting(object) returns TRUE if the markocc attribute indicates at least one sighting-only occasion.



traps object (markocc) or capthist object (Tu, Tm, Tn)


numeric matrix of detectors x occasions, or a vector (see Details)


other arguments (not used)


For replacement of markocc, `value' should be a vector of integers indicating the occasions on which animals are sighted only (0) or marked or recaptured (1).

For replacement of Tu, Tm or Tn, `value' may be a scalar (total count) or a detectors x occasions matrix.

See Also

traps, addSightings, sightingPlot, secr-markresight.pdf