- x
An object.
- data
The original data used to create this object. Can be a
statistical model.
- size_point
Numeric specifying size of point-geoms.
- size_text
Numeric value specifying size of text labels.
- panel
Logical, if TRUE
, plots are arranged as panels; else,
single plots are returned.
- show_labels
Logical. If TRUE
, the text labels for the point
estimates (i.e. "Mean", "Median" and/or "MAP") are
shown. You may set show_labels = FALSE
in case of overlapping
labels, and add your own legend or footnote to the plot.
- show_intercept
Logical, if TRUE
, the intercept-parameter is included
in the plot. By default, it is hidden because in many cases the
intercept-parameter has a posterior distribution on a very different
location, so density curves of posterior distributions for other parameters
are hardly visible.
- priors
Logical. If TRUE
, prior distributions are simulated
(using bayestestR::simulate_prior()
) and added
to the plot.
- alpha_priors
Numeric value specifying alpha for the prior
- ...
Arguments passed to or from other methods.