- ogg
an object of class "segmented" or "segmented.lme", returned by any segmented
method or a list of two segmented fits to compare the estimates of corresponding slopes.
- parm
the segmented variable whose slopes have to be computed. If missing all the segmented variables are considered.
- conf.level
the confidence level required.
- rev.sgn
vector of logicals. The length should be equal to the length of parm
, but it is recycled
otherwise. When TRUE
it is assumed that the current parm
is `minus' the actual segmented variable,
therefore the sign is reversed before printing. This is useful when a null-constraint has been set on the last slope.
logical. If APC=TRUE
the `annual percent changes', i.e. \(100\times(\exp(\beta)-1)\),
are computed for each interval (\(\beta\) is the slope). Only point estimates and confidence intervals are returned.
- .vcov
The full covariance matrix of estimates. If unspecified (i.e. NULL
), the covariance matrix is computed internally by vcov(ogg)
- .coef
The regression parameter estimates. If unspecified (i.e. NULL
), it is computed internally by coef(ogg)
- use.t
Which quantiles should be used to compute the confidence intervals? If NULL
(default) the \(t\) distribution is used only for objects obtained by segmented.lm
- by
Only for segmented.lme
It is a named list indicating covariate names and corresponding values affecting the fitted segmented relationship.
For instance, by=list(group="2",z2=.2)
, provided that the model has been fitted by specifying group
and z2
in x.diff
(or as interaction with the segmented variable). Note that if the provided variables or values are irrelevant for changing the slopes, a warning message is printed.
- interc
logical, only for 'stepmented'
fits. If TRUE
, the mean levels also account for the intercept; otherwise the first level is assumed to be zero.
- level
Numeric, only for 'segmented.lme'
fits. If 0
, fixed effects left/right slopes are returned, otherwise the subject-specific values (with no confidence intervals).
- ...
Further arguments to be passed on to vcov.segmented
, such as var.diff
and is
. See Details in vcov.segmented
and summary.segmented
- digits
controls number of digits in the returned output.