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semTools (version 0.4-11)

lavaanStar-class: Class For Representing A (Fitted) Latent Variable Model with Additional Elements


This is the lavaan class that contains additional information about the fit values from the null model. Some functions are adjusted according to the change.


Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the auxiliary function or runMI.


see lavaan

See Also

auxiliary; runMI


Run this code
HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '
dat <- data.frame(HolzingerSwineford1939, z=rnorm(nrow(HolzingerSwineford1939), 0, 1))
fit <- cfa(HS.model, data=dat) 
fitaux <- auxiliary(HS.model, aux="z", data=dat, fun="cfa")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab