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sensitivity (version 1.28.0)

PoincareChaosSqCoef: Squared coefficients computation in generalized chaos


This program computes the squared coefficient of the function decomposition in the tensor basis formed by eigenfunctions of Poincare differential operators. After division by the variance of the model output, it provides lower bounds of first-order and total Sobol' indices.


PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen, multiIndex, design, output, outputGrad = NULL, 
                    inputIndex = 1, der = FALSE, method = "unbiased")


An estimate of the squared coefficient.



output list from PoincareOptimal() function


vector of indices (l1, ..., ld). A coordinate equal to 0 corresponds to the constant basis function 1


design of experiments (matrix of size n x d) with d the number of inputs and n the number of observations


vector of length n (y1, ..., yn) of output values at design points


matrix n x d whose columns contain the output partial derivatives at design points


index of the input variable (between 1 and d)


logical (default=FALSE): should we use the formula with derivatives to compute the squared coefficient?


"biased" or "unbiased" formula when estimating the squared integral. See squaredIntEstim


Olivier Roustant and Bertrand Iooss


Similarly to polynomial chaos, where tensors of polynomials are used, we consider here tensor basis formed by eigenfunctions of Poincare differential operators. This basis is also orthonormal, and Parseval formula lead to lower bound for (unnormalized) Sobol, total Sobol indices, and any variance-based index. Denoting by \((e_{1, l1}... e_{d, ld})\) one tensor basis, the corresponding coefficient is equal to

\(c_{l1, ..., ld} = <f, e_{1, l1}... e_{d, ld}>\).

For a given input variable (say \(x1\) to simplify notations), it can be rewritten with derivatives as:

\(c_{l1, ..., ld} = <df/dx1, de_{1, l1}/dx1 e_{2, l2}...e_{d, ld}> / eigenvalue_{1, l1}\)

The function returns an estimate of \(c_{l1, ..., ld}^2\), corresponding to one of these two forms (derivative-free, or derivative-based).


O. Roustant, F. Gamboa and B. Iooss, Parseval inequalities and lower bounds for variance-based sensitivity indices, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14:386-412, 2020

See Also



Run this code

# A simple example

g <- function(x, a){
  res <- x[, 1] + a*x[, 1]*x[, 2]
  attr(res, "grad") <- cbind(1 + a * x[, 2], a * x[, 1])

n <- 1e3
X <- matrix(runif(2*n, min = -1/2, max = 1/2), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
a <- 3
fX <- g(X, a = a)

out_1 <- out_2 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("unif", -1/2, 1/2), 
                                  only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, 
                                  method = "quad")
out <- list(out_1, out_2)

# Lower bounds for X1
c2_10 <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 0), 
                             design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"), 
                             inputIndex = 1, der = FALSE)
c2_11 <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 1), 
                             design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"), 
                             inputIndex = 1, der = FALSE)
c2_10_der <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 0), 
                                 design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"), 
                                 inputIndex = 1, der = TRUE)
c2_11_der <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 1), 
                                 design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"), 
                                 inputIndex = 1, der = TRUE)

LB1 <- c(8/pi^4, c2_10, c2_10_der)
LB1tot <- LB1 + c(64/pi^8 * a^2, c2_11, c2_11_der)
LB <- cbind(LB1, LB1tot)
rownames(LB) <- c("True lower bound value", 
                  "Estimated, no derivatives", "Estimated, with derivatives")
colnames(LB) <- c("D1", "D1tot")
cat("True values of D1 and D1tot:", c(1/12, 1/12 + a^2 / 144),"\n")
cat("Sample size: ", n, "\n")
cat("Lower bounds computed with the first Poincare eigenvalue:\n")
cat("\nN.B. Increase the sample size to see the convergence to true lower bound values.\n")

# Flood model example (see Roustant et al., 2017, 2019)

# \donttest{

library(evd) # Gumbel law
library(triangle) # Triangular law

# Flood model
  # ans=1 gives Overflow output; ans=2 gives Cost output; ans=0 gives both
  if (ans==0){ reponse=matrix(NA,nrow(mat),2);}
  else{ reponse=rep(NA,nrow(mat));}
  for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
    H = (mat[i,1] / (mat[i,2]*mat[i,8]*sqrt((mat[i,4] - mat[i,3])/mat[i,7])))^(0.6) ;
    S = mat[i,3] + H - mat[i,5] - mat[i,6] ;
    if (S > 0){ Cp = 1 ;}
    else{ Cp = 0.2 + 0.8 * (1 - exp(-1000 / S^4));}
    if (mat[i,5]>8){ Cp = Cp + mat[i,5]/20 ;}
    else{ Cp = Cp + 8/20 ;}
    if (ans==0){
      reponse[i,1] = S ;
      reponse[i,2] = Cp ;
    if (ans==1){ reponse[i] = S ;}
    if (ans==2){ reponse[i] = Cp ;}

# Flood model derivatives (by finite-differences)
dFcrues_full2 <- function(X, i, ans, eps){
  der = X
  X1 = X
  X1[,i] = X[,i]+eps
  der = (Fcrues_full2(X1,ans) - Fcrues_full2(X,ans))/(eps)

# Function for flood model inputs sampling
  X = matrix(NA,taille,8)
  X[,1] = rgumbel.trunc(taille,loc=1013.0,scale=558.0,min=500,max=3000)
  X[,2] = rnorm.trunc(taille,mean=30.0,sd=8,min=15.)
  X[,3] = rtriangle(taille,a=49,b=51,c=50)
  X[,4] = rtriangle(taille,a=54,b=56,c=55)
  X[,5] = runif(taille,min=7,max=9)
  X[,6] = rtriangle(taille,a=55,b=56,c=55.5)
  X[,7] = rtriangle(taille,a=4990,b=5010,c=5000)
  X[,8] = rtriangle(taille,a=295,b=305,c=300)

d <- 8
n <- 1e3
eps <- 1e-7 # finite-differences for derivatives
x <- EchantFcrues_full2(n)
yy <- Fcrues_full2(x, ans=2)
y <- scale(yy, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[,1]
dy <- NULL
for (i in 1:d) dy <- cbind(dy, dFcrues_full2(x, i, ans=2, eps))

method <- "quad"
out_1 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("gumbel", 1013, 558), min=500,max=3000, 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_2 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("norm", 30, 8), min=15, max=200, 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_3 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 49, 51, 50), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_4 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 54, 56, 55), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_5 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("unif", 7, 9), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_6 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 55, 56, 55.5), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_7 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 4990, 5010, 5000), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_8 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 295, 305, 300), 
                         only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_ <- list(out_1,out_2,out_3,out_4,out_5,out_6,out_7,out_8)

c2 <- c2der <- c2tot <- c2totder <- rep(0,d)

for (i in 1:d){
  m <- diag(1,d,d) ; m[,i] <- 1
  for (j in 1:d){
    cc <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out_, multiIndex = m[j,], 
            design = x, output = y, outputGrad = NULL, 
            inputIndex = i, der = FALSE)
    c2tot[i] <- c2tot[i] + cc
    if (j == i) c2[i] <- cc
    cc <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out_, multiIndex = m[j,], 
            design = x, output = y, outputGrad = dy, 
            inputIndex = i, der = TRUE)
    c2totder[i] <- c2totder[i] + cc
    if (j == i) c2der[i] <- cc

print("Lower bounds of first-order Sobol' indices without derivatives:")
print("Lower bounds of first-order Sobol' indices with derivatives:")

print("Lower bounds of total Sobol' indices without derivatives:")
print("Lower bounds of total Sobol' indices with derivatives:")

# }

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