# A simple example
g <- function(x, a){
res <- x[, 1] + a*x[, 1]*x[, 2]
attr(res, "grad") <- cbind(1 + a * x[, 2], a * x[, 1])
n <- 1e3
X <- matrix(runif(2*n, min = -1/2, max = 1/2), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
a <- 3
fX <- g(X, a = a)
out_1 <- out_2 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("unif", -1/2, 1/2),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE,
method = "quad")
out <- list(out_1, out_2)
# Lower bounds for X1
c2_10 <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 0),
design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"),
inputIndex = 1, der = FALSE)
c2_11 <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 1),
design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"),
inputIndex = 1, der = FALSE)
c2_10_der <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 0),
design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"),
inputIndex = 1, der = TRUE)
c2_11_der <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out, multiIndex = c(1, 1),
design = X, output = fX, outputGrad = attr(fX, "grad"),
inputIndex = 1, der = TRUE)
LB1 <- c(8/pi^4, c2_10, c2_10_der)
LB1tot <- LB1 + c(64/pi^8 * a^2, c2_11, c2_11_der)
LB <- cbind(LB1, LB1tot)
rownames(LB) <- c("True lower bound value",
"Estimated, no derivatives", "Estimated, with derivatives")
colnames(LB) <- c("D1", "D1tot")
cat("True values of D1 and D1tot:", c(1/12, 1/12 + a^2 / 144),"\n")
cat("Sample size: ", n, "\n")
cat("Lower bounds computed with the first Poincare eigenvalue:\n")
cat("\nN.B. Increase the sample size to see the convergence to true lower bound values.\n")
# Flood model example (see Roustant et al., 2017, 2019)
# \donttest{
library(evd) # Gumbel law
library(triangle) # Triangular law
# Flood model
# ans=1 gives Overflow output; ans=2 gives Cost output; ans=0 gives both
if (ans==0){ reponse=matrix(NA,nrow(mat),2);}
else{ reponse=rep(NA,nrow(mat));}
for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
H = (mat[i,1] / (mat[i,2]*mat[i,8]*sqrt((mat[i,4] - mat[i,3])/mat[i,7])))^(0.6) ;
S = mat[i,3] + H - mat[i,5] - mat[i,6] ;
if (S > 0){ Cp = 1 ;}
else{ Cp = 0.2 + 0.8 * (1 - exp(-1000 / S^4));}
if (mat[i,5]>8){ Cp = Cp + mat[i,5]/20 ;}
else{ Cp = Cp + 8/20 ;}
if (ans==0){
reponse[i,1] = S ;
reponse[i,2] = Cp ;
if (ans==1){ reponse[i] = S ;}
if (ans==2){ reponse[i] = Cp ;}
# Flood model derivatives (by finite-differences)
dFcrues_full2 <- function(X, i, ans, eps){
der = X
X1 = X
X1[,i] = X[,i]+eps
der = (Fcrues_full2(X1,ans) - Fcrues_full2(X,ans))/(eps)
# Function for flood model inputs sampling
X = matrix(NA,taille,8)
X[,1] = rgumbel.trunc(taille,loc=1013.0,scale=558.0,min=500,max=3000)
X[,2] = rnorm.trunc(taille,mean=30.0,sd=8,min=15.)
X[,3] = rtriangle(taille,a=49,b=51,c=50)
X[,4] = rtriangle(taille,a=54,b=56,c=55)
X[,5] = runif(taille,min=7,max=9)
X[,6] = rtriangle(taille,a=55,b=56,c=55.5)
X[,7] = rtriangle(taille,a=4990,b=5010,c=5000)
X[,8] = rtriangle(taille,a=295,b=305,c=300)
d <- 8
n <- 1e3
eps <- 1e-7 # finite-differences for derivatives
x <- EchantFcrues_full2(n)
yy <- Fcrues_full2(x, ans=2)
y <- scale(yy, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)[,1]
dy <- NULL
for (i in 1:d) dy <- cbind(dy, dFcrues_full2(x, i, ans=2, eps))
method <- "quad"
out_1 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("gumbel", 1013, 558), min=500,max=3000,
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_2 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("norm", 30, 8), min=15, max=200,
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_3 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 49, 51, 50),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_4 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 54, 56, 55),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_5 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("unif", 7, 9),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_6 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 55, 56, 55.5),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_7 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 4990, 5010, 5000),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_8 <- PoincareOptimal(distr = list("triangle", 295, 305, 300),
only.values = FALSE, der = TRUE, method = method)
out_ <- list(out_1,out_2,out_3,out_4,out_5,out_6,out_7,out_8)
c2 <- c2der <- c2tot <- c2totder <- rep(0,d)
for (i in 1:d){
m <- diag(1,d,d) ; m[,i] <- 1
for (j in 1:d){
cc <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out_, multiIndex = m[j,],
design = x, output = y, outputGrad = NULL,
inputIndex = i, der = FALSE)
c2tot[i] <- c2tot[i] + cc
if (j == i) c2[i] <- cc
cc <- PoincareChaosSqCoef(PoincareEigen = out_, multiIndex = m[j,],
design = x, output = y, outputGrad = dy,
inputIndex = i, der = TRUE)
c2totder[i] <- c2totder[i] + cc
if (j == i) c2der[i] <- cc
print("Lower bounds of first-order Sobol' indices without derivatives:")
print("Lower bounds of first-order Sobol' indices with derivatives:")
print("Lower bounds of total Sobol' indices without derivatives:")
print("Lower bounds of total Sobol' indices with derivatives:")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab