Simple chromatogram plot for data imported with the read.abif
chanel = 1,
tmin = 1/tscale,
tmax = abifdata$Data[["SCAN.1"]]/tscale,
tscale = 1000,
yscale = 1000, type = "l", las = 1,
xlab = paste("Time", tscale, sep = "/"),
ylab = paste("RFU", yscale, sep = "/"),
irange = (tmin*tscale):(tmax*tscale),
x = irange/tscale,
xlim = c(tmin, tmax),
chanel.names = c(1:4,105),
DATA = paste("DATA", chanel.names[chanel], sep = "."),
y = abifdata$Data[[DATA]][irange]/yscale,
ylim = c(min(y), max(y)),
dyn = abifdata$Data[[paste("DyeN", chanel, sep = ".")]],
main = paste(deparse(substitute(abifdata)), chanel, dyn, sep = " ; "),
calibr = NULL,
ladder.bp = NULL,
allele.names = "identifiler",
ladder.lab = TRUE,
Returns invisibly its local graphical parameter settings.
the result returned by read.abif
the dye number
scaled starting time for the time axis
scaled ending time for the time axis
scale factor for the time axis
scale factor for the y-axis (RFU)
type of line drawing forwarded to plot
orientation of axis labels forwarded to plot
x-axis label forwarded to plot
y-axis label forwarded to plot
indices of data to be plotted
values used for the x-axis
limits for the x-axis forwarded to plot
numbers extensions used for the DATA
names of the DATA components
values used for the y-axis
limits for the y-axis forwarded to plot
dye name
title for the plot forwarded to plot
an optional calibration function to convert time into bp
an optional ladder scale in bp (calibr must be provided)
name of the dataset with allele names
logical: should allele names be added on plot
arguments forwarded to plot
J.R. Lobry
function read.abif
to import files in ABIF format,
data gs500liz
for internal size standards,
data identifiler
for allele names in the allelic ladder,
data JLO
for an example of an individual sample file,
data ECH
for an example of an allelic lader.
plotabif(ECH,chanel = 1, tmin = 3.2, tmax = 6.1)
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