# load an example of allelic ladder results from an ABIF (*.fsa) file:
# Extract from internal size standard chanel number 5 the location
# of 14 peaks:
ECH.maxis <- peakabif(ECH, 5, npeak = 14, tmin = 2.7, thres = 0.1, fig = FALSE)$maxis
# Load data about the expected size of peaks in bp for calibration:
lizbp <- gs500liz$liz # All peaks size in bp
lizbp[!gs500liz$mask1 | !gs500liz$mask2] <- NA # Mark useless peaks
lizbp <- lizbp[-c(1,2)] # The first two peaks are not extracted from ECH
ECH.calibr <- splinefun(ECH.maxis[!is.na(lizbp)], lizbp[!is.na(lizbp)])
# Show the allelic ladder for the 4 dyes:
plotladder(ECH, 1, ECH.calibr, tmin = 3.1, thres = 0.3, fig = FALSE)
plotladder(ECH, 2, ECH.calibr, tmin = 3.1, thres = 0.35, fig = FALSE)
plotladder(ECH, 3, ECH.calibr, tmin = 3.1, thres = 0.2, fig = FALSE)
plotladder(ECH, 4, ECH.calibr, tmin = 3.1, thres = 0.2, fig = FALSE)
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