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seriation (version 1.5.7)

permute: Permute the Order in Various Objects


Provides the generic function and methods for permuting the order of various objects including vectors, lists, dendrograms (also hclust objects), the order of observations in a dist object, the rows and columns of a matrix or data.frame, and all dimensions of an array given a suitable ser_permutation object.


permute(x, order, ...)

# S3 method for array permute(x, order, margin = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for matrix permute(x, order, margin = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame permute(x, order, margin = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for table permute(x, order, margin = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for numeric permute(x, order, ...)

# S3 method for character permute(x, order, ...)

# S3 method for list permute(x, order, ...)

# S3 method for dist permute(x, order, ...)

# S3 method for dendrogram permute(x, order, dist = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for hclust permute(x, order, dist = NULL, ...)


A permuted object of the same class as x.



an object (a list, a vector, a dist object, a matrix, an array or any other object which provides dim and standard subsetting with "[").


an object of class ser_permutation which contains suitable permutation vectors for x. Alternatively, a character string with the name of a seriation method appropriate for x can be specified (see seriate()). This will perform seriation and permute x. The value TRUE will permute using the default seriation method.


if order is the name of a seriation method, then additional arguments are passed on to seriate().


specifies the dimensions to be permuted as a vector with dimension indices. If NULL, order needs to contain a permutation for all dimensions. If a single margin is specified, then order can also contain a single permutation vector. margin are ignored.


the distance matrix used to create the dendrogram. Only needed if order is the name of a seriation method.


Michael Hahsler


The permutation vectors in ser_permutation are suitable if the number of permutation vectors matches the number of dimensions of x and if the length of each permutation vector has the same length as the corresponding dimension of x.

For 1-dimensional/1-mode data (list, vector, dist), order can also be a single permutation vector of class ser_permutation_vector or data which can be automatically coerced to this class (e.g. a numeric vector).

For dendrogram and hclust, subtrees are rotated to represent the order best possible. If the order is not achieved perfectly then the user is warned. See also reorder.hclust() for reordering hclust objects.

See Also

Other permutation: get_order(), permutation_vector2matrix(), ser_dist(), ser_permutation(), ser_permutation_vector()


Run this code
# List data types for permute

# Permute matrix
m <- matrix(rnorm(10), 5, 2, dimnames = list(1:5, LETTERS[1:2]))

# Permute rows and columns
o <- ser_permutation(5:1, 2:1)

permute(m, o)

## permute only columns
permute(m, o, margin = 2)

## permute using PCA seriation
permute(m, "PCA")

## permute only rows using PCA
permute(m, "PCA", margin = 1)

# Permute data.frames using heatmap seration (= hierarchical
#  clustering + optimal leaf ordering)
df <- as.data.frame(m)
permute(df, "Heatmap")

# Permute objects in a dist object
d <- dist(m)

permute(d, c(3, 2, 1, 4, 5))

permute(d, "Spectral")

# Permute a list
l <- list(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:3], c = 0)

permute(l, c(2, 3, 1))

# Permute to reorder dendrogram (see also reorder.hclust)
hc <- hclust(d)

plot(permute(hc, 5:1))
plot(permute(hc, 5:1, incompartible = "stop"))

plot(permute(hc, "OLO", dist = d))
plot(permute(hc, "GW", dist = d))
plot(permute(hc, "MDS", dist = d))
plot(permute(hc, "TSP", dist = d))

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