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seriation (version 1.5.7)

registry_for_seriation_methods: Registry for Seriation Methods


A registry to manage methods used by seriate().



list_seriation_methods(kind, names_only = TRUE)

get_seriation_method(kind, name)

set_seriation_method( kind, name, definition, description = NULL, control = list(), randomized = FALSE, optimizes = NA_character_, verbose = FALSE, ... )

# S3 method for seriation_method print(x, ...)


  • list_seriation_method() result is a vector of character strings with the names of the methods. These names are used for methods in seriate().

  • get_seriation_method() returns a given method in form of an object of class "seriation_method".


An object of class seriation_registry (inherits from registry) of length 58.



the data type the method works on. For example, "dist", "matrix" or "array". If missing, then methods for any type are shown.


logical; return only the method name. FALSE returns also the method descriptions.


the name for the method used to refer to the method in seriate().


a function containing the method's code.


a description of the method. For example, a long name.


a list with control arguments and default values.


logical; does the algorithm use randomization and re-running the algorithm several times will lead to different results (see: seriate_rep()).


what criterion does the algorithm try to optimize (see: list_criterion_methods()).


logical; print a message when a new method is registered.


further information that is stored for the method in the registry.


an object of class "seriation_method" to be printed.


Michael Hahsler


The functions below are convenience function for the registry registry_seriate.

list_seriation_method() lists all available methods for a given data type (kind) (e.g., "dist", "matrix"). The result is a vector of character strings with the method names that can be used in function seriate(). If kind is missing, then a list of methods is returned.

get_seriation_method() returns detailed information for a given method in form of an object of class "seriation_method". The information includes a description, parameters and the implementing function.

With set_seriation_method() new seriation methods can be added by the user. The implementing function (definition) needs to have the formal arguments x, control and, for arrays and matrices margin, where x is the data object and control contains a list with additional information for the method passed on from seriate(), and margin is a vector specifying what dimensions should be seriated. The implementation has to return a list of objects which can be coerced into ser_permutation_vector objects (e.g., integer vectors). The elements in the list have to be in corresponding order to the dimensions of x.

See Also

This registry uses registry::registry.

Other seriation: register_DendSer(), register_GA(), register_optics(), register_smacof(), register_tsne(), register_umap(), seriate(), seriate_best()


Run this code
# Registry

# List all seriation methods by type

# List methods for matrix seriation

get_seriation_method(name = "BEA")

# Example for defining a new seriation method (reverse identity function for matrix)

# 1. Create the seriation method: Reverse the row order
#    (NA means no seriation is applied to columns)
seriation_method_reverse_rows <- function(x, control = NULL, margin = c(1, 2)) {
    list(rev(seq(nrow(x))), NA)[margin]

# 2. Register new method
set_seriation_method("matrix", "Reverse_rows", seriation_method_reverse_rows,
    description = "Reverse identity order", control = list())

get_seriation_method("matrix", "reverse_rows")

# 3. Use the new seriation methods
seriate(matrix(1:12, ncol = 3), "reverse_rows")

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