is the crs
object with missing values for epsg and proj4string.the *crs functions get, set or replace the crs
attribute of a simple feature geometry
list-column. This attribute is of class crs
, and is a list consisting of epsg (integer epsg
code) and proj4string (character).
Two objects of class crs
are semantically identical when: (1) they are completely identical, or
(2) they have identical proj4string but one of them has a missing epsg ID. As a consequence, equivalent
but different proj4strings, e.g. "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
and "+datum=WGS84 +proj=longlat"
are considered different.
The operators ==
and !=
are overloaded for crs
objects to establish semantical identity.
in case a coordinate reference system is replaced, no transformation takes
place and a warning is raised to stress this. epsg values are either read from proj4strings
that contain +init=epsg:...
or set to 4326 in case the proj4string contains +proj=longlat
and +datum=WGS84, literally
If both epsg and proj4string are provided, they are assumed to be consistent. In processing them, the epsg code, if not missing valued, is used and the proj4string is derived from it by a call to GDAL (which in turn will call PROJ.4). Warnings are raised when epsg is not consistent with a proj4string that is already present.