if (sf_extSoftVersion()["GDAL"] > "2.1.0") {
# info utils can be used to list information about about a raster
# dataset. More info: https://gdal.org/programs/ngdalinfo.html
in_file <- system.file("tif/geomatrix.tif", package = "sf")
gdal_utils("info", in_file, options = c("-mm", "-proj4"))
# vectortranslate utils can be used to convert simple features data between
# file formats. More info: https://gdal.org/programs/ogr2ogr.html
in_file <- system.file("shape/storms_xyz.shp", package="sf")
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".gpkg")
util = "vectortranslate",
source = in_file,
destination = out_file, # output format must be specified for GDAL < 2.3
options = c("-f", "GPKG")
# The parameters can be specified as c("name") or c("name", "value"). The
# vectortranslate utils can perform also various operations during the
# conversion process. For example we can reproject the features during the
# translation.
util = "vectortranslate",
source = in_file,
destination = out_file,
options = c(
"-f", "GPKG", # output file format for GDAL < 2.3
"-s_srs", "EPSG:4326", # input file SRS
"-t_srs", "EPSG:2264", # output file SRS
# The parameter s_srs had to be specified because, in this case, the in_file
# has no associated SRS.
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