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sfsmisc (version 1.1-19)

funEnv: List-like Environment of Functions (and More)


Construct a “list”, really an environment typically of functions and optionally other R objects, where the functions and formulas all all share the same environment. Consequently, the functions may call each other.

On technical level, this is just a simple wrapper around list2env().


funEnv(..., envir = NULL, parent = parent.frame(),
       hash = (...length() > 100), size = max(29L, ...length()))


an environment, say E, containing the objects from ... (plus those in envir), and all function objects' environment() is E.



an arbitrary named “list” of R objects, typically including several functions.


an environment or NULL.


(for the case envir = NULL): a parent frame aka enclosing environment, see new.env and list2env.

hash, size

(for the case envir = NULL): hash a logical indicating if the created environment should use hashing, and (size) the hash size, see list2env.


Martin Maechler

See Also


Run this code
ee <- funEnv(f = function(x) g(2*(x+1)),
             g = function(y) hh(y+1),
            hh = function(u) u^2,
          info = "Some Information (not a function)")
ls(ee) # here the same as  names(ee)
## Check that it works: i.e., that "f sees g" and "g sees hh":
stopifnot(all.equal(ee$f(pi), (2*pi+3)^2))
ee$f(0:4) # [1]  9  25  49  81 121

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