if(dev.interactive()) {
if(requireNamespace("lattice")) {
data("ethanol", package = "lattice")
loessDemo(E,NOx, span=.25)
loessDemo(E,NOx, span=.25, family = "symmetric")
loessDemo(E,NOx, degree=0)# Tricube Kernel estimate
## Artificial Example with one outlier
n2 <- 50; x <- 1:(1+2*n2)
fx <- (x/10 - 5)^2
y <- fx + 4*rnorm(x)
y[n2+1] <- 1e4
loessDemo(x,y, span=1/3, ylim= c(0,1000))# not robust !!
loessDemo(x,y, span=1/3, family = "symm")
loessDemo(x,y, span=1/3, family = "symm", w.symb = FALSE, ylim = c(0,40))
loessDemo(x,y, span=1/3, family = "symm", ylim = c(0,40))
## but see warnings() --- there's a "fixup"
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab