## See the experimental design:
with(potatoes, {
cat("4 blocks of experiments;",
"each does every (nitrogen,potash) combination (aka 'treat'ment) once.",
'', sep="\n")
print(ftable(table(nitrogen, potash, treat)))
print(ftable(tt <- table(pos,potash,nitrogen)))
tt[cbind(pos,potash,nitrogen)] <- as.character(treat)
cat("The 4 blocks pos = 1, 2, 3, 4:\n")
## First plot:
with(potatoes, interaction.plot(potash,nitrogen, response=yield))
## ANOVAs:
summary(aov(yield ~ nitrogen * potash + Error(pos), data = potatoes))
# "==>" can use simply
summary(aov(yield ~ nitrogen + potash + pos, data = potatoes))
# and
summary(aov(yield ~ nitrogen + potash, data = potatoes))
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