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roundfixS: Round to Integer Keeping the Sum Fixed


Given a real numbers \(y_i\) with the particular property that \(\sum_i y_i\) is integer, find integer numbers \(x_i\) which are close to \(y_i\) (\(\left|x_i - y_i\right| < 1 \forall i\)), and have identical “marginal” sum, sum(x) == sum(y).

As I found later, the problem is known as “Apportionment Problem” and it is quite an old problem with several solution methods proposed historically, but only in 1982, Balinski and Young proved that there is no method that fulfills three natural desiderata.

Note that the (first) three methods currently available here were all (re?)-invented by M.Maechler, without any knowledge of the litterature. At the time of writing, I have not even checked to which (if any) of the historical methods they match.


roundfixS(x, method = c("offset-round", "round+fix", "1greedy"))


a numeric vector, say r, of the same length as x, but with integer values and fulfulling sum(r) == sum(x).



a numeric vector which must sum to an integer


character string specifying the algorithm to be used.


Martin Maechler, November 2007


Without hindsight, it may be surprising that all three methods give identical results (in all situations and simulations considered), notably that the idea of ‘mass shifting’ employed in the iterative "1greedy" algorithm seems equivalent to the much simpler idea used in "offset-round".

I am pretty sure that these algorithms solve the \(L_p\) optimization problem, \(\min_x \left\|y - x\right\|_p\), typically for all \(p \in [1,\infty]\) simultaneously, but have not bothered to find a formal proof.


Michel Balinski and H. Peyton Young (1982) Fair Representation: Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote;



See Also

round etc


Run this code
## trivial example
kk <- c(0,1,7)
stopifnot(identical(kk, roundfixS(kk))) # failed at some point

x <- c(-1.4, -1, 0.244, 0.493, 1.222, 1.222, 2, 2, 2.2, 2.444, 3.625, 3.95)
sum(x) # an integer
r <- roundfixS(x)
stopifnot(all.equal(sum(r), sum(x)))
m <- cbind(x=x, `r2i(x)` = r, resid = x - r, `|res|` = abs(x-r))
rbind(m, c(colSums(m[,1:2]), 0, sum(abs(m[,"|res|"]))))

chk <- function(y) {
  cat("sum(y) =", format(S <- sum(y)),"\n")
  r2  <- roundfixS(y, method="offset")
  r2. <- roundfixS(y, method="round")
  r2_ <- roundfixS(y, method="1g")
  stopifnot(all.equal(sum(r2 ), S),
            all.equal(sum(r2.), S),
            all.equal(sum(r2_), S))
  all(r2 == r2. & r2. == r2_) # TRUE if all give the same result

makeIntSum <- function(y) {
   n <- length(y)
   y[n] <- ceiling(y[n]) - (sum(y[-n]) %% 1)
y <- makeIntSum(rnorm(100))

## nastier example:
y <- makeIntSum(rpois(100, 10) + c(runif(75, min= 0, max=.2),
                                   runif(25, min=.5, max=.9)))

if (FALSE) {
for(i in 1:1000)
    stopifnot(chk(makeIntSum(rpois(100, 10) +
                             c(runif(75, min= 0, max=.2),
                               runif(25, min=.5, max=.9)))))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab