Draws a cartesian small multiples plot
interactive = FALSE,
size = 2,
alpha = 0.4,
analysis_desc_label = NULL,
x_axis_label = NULL,
y_axis_label = NULL,
n_breaks_x_axis = 10,
n_breaks_y_axis = 10,
accuracy = 0.001,
show_axis_values = TRUE
A 'ggplot' or 'plotly' object
Input dataset to be plotted (required)
Column for X coordinate values (required)
Column for Y coordinate values (required)
Grouping variable. Each group is displayed in a different color. (optional)
Set first faceting variable (optional)
Set second faceting variable (optional)
Set plot interactivity. By default, it is set to FALSE (optional)
Set point size. By default, it is set to 2 (optional)
Set transparency. By default, it is set to 0.4 (optional)
Label (subtitle) for analysis description. By default, it is set to NULL (optional)
Label for x axis. By default, it is set to display x axis column name (optional)
Label for y axis. By default, it is set to display y axis column name (optional)
Set number of breaks on X axis. By default, it is set to 10 (optional)
Set number of breaks on Y axis. By default, it is set to 10 (optional)
Set number of decimal places to be displayed on X and Y axes. Examples: 0.1 - one decimal place, 0.01 - two decimal places, 0.001 - three decimal places etc. By default, it is set to 0.001 (optional)
Logical. if FALSE, default, axis values are not shown (optional)