- data
Input dataset to be plotted (required)
- y_var
Y variable to be plotted on Y axis (required)
- grouping_var_1
Select column for lowest level grouping variable (optional)
- grouping_var_2
Select column for second level grouping variable (optional)
- grouping_var_3
Select column for third level grouping variable (optional)
- grouping_var_4
Select column for fourth level grouping variable (optional)
- plot_means
Logical. if TRUE, means for lowest-level grouping variable are plotted. By default, it is set to FALSE. (optional)
- connect_means
Logical. if TRUE, means for lowest-level grouping variable are connected with a line. By default, it is set to FALSE. (optional)
- group_color
Set whether to color by grouping_var_1. By default, it is set to FALSE (optional)
- point_size
Set point size. By default, it is set to 2 (optional)
- alpha
Set transparency. By default, it is set to 0.5 (optional)
- jitter
Set whether to add jitter. By default, it is set to FALSE (optional)
- x_axis_text_size
Set X axis text size. By default, it is set to 11 (optional)
- panel_text_size
Set panel text size. By default, it is set to 11 (optional)