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shiny (version 0.14.2)

icon: Create an icon


Create an icon for use within a page. Icons can appear on their own, inside of a button, or as an icon for a tabPanel within a navbarPage.


icon(name, class = NULL, lib = "font-awesome")


Name of icon. Icons are drawn from the Font Awesome and Glyphicons" libraries. Note that the "fa-" and "glyphicon-" prefixes should not be used in icon names (i.e. the "fa-calendar" icon should be referred to as "calendar")
Additional classes to customize the style of the icon (see the usage examples for details on supported styles).
Icon library to use ("font-awesome" or "glyphicon")


An icon element

See Also

For lists of available icons, see http://fontawesome.io/icons/ and http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons.


Run this code
icon("calendar")               # standard icon
icon("calendar", "fa-3x")      # 3x normal size
icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon") # From glyphicon library

# add an icon to a submit button
submitButton("Update View", icon = icon("refresh"))

navbarPage("App Title",
  tabPanel("Plot", icon = icon("bar-chart-o")),
  tabPanel("Summary", icon = icon("list-alt")),
  tabPanel("Table", icon = icon("table"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab