## Not run:
# observe({
# input$saveButton # Do take a dependency on input$saveButton
# # isolate a simple expression
# data <- get(isolate(input$dataset)) # No dependency on input$dataset
# writeToDatabase(data)
# })
# observe({
# input$saveButton # Do take a dependency on input$saveButton
# # isolate a whole block
# data <- isolate({
# a <- input$valueA # No dependency on input$valueA or input$valueB
# b <- input$valueB
# c(a=a, b=b)
# })
# writeToDatabase(data)
# })
# observe({
# x <- 1
# # x outside of isolate() is affected
# isolate(x <- 2)
# print(x) # 2
# y <- 1
# # Use local() to avoid affecting calling environment
# isolate(local(y <- 2))
# print(y) # 1
# })
# ## End(Not run)
# Can also use isolate to call reactive expressions from the R console
values <- reactiveValues(A=1)
fun <- reactive({ as.character(values$A) })
# "1"
# isolate also works if the reactive expression accesses values from the
# input object, like input$x
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab