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shiny (version 1.7.5)

submitButton: Create a submit button


Create a submit button for an app. Apps that include a submit button do not automatically update their outputs when inputs change, rather they wait until the user explicitly clicks the submit button. The use of submitButton is generally discouraged in favor of the more versatile actionButton() (see details below).


submitButton(text = "Apply Changes", icon = NULL, width = NULL)


A submit button that can be added to a UI definition.



Button caption


Optional icon() to appear on the button


The width of the button, e.g. '400px', or '100%'; see validateCssUnit().


Submit buttons are unusual Shiny inputs, and we recommend using actionButton() instead of submitButton when you want to delay a reaction. See this article for more information (including a demo of how to "translate" code using a submitButton to code using an actionButton).

In essence, the presence of a submit button stops all inputs from sending their values automatically to the server. This means, for instance, that if there are two submit buttons in the same app, clicking either one will cause all inputs in the app to send their values to the server. This is probably not what you'd want, which is why submit button are unwieldy for all but the simplest apps. There are other problems with submit buttons: for example, dynamically created submit buttons (for example, with renderUI() or insertUI()) will not work.

See Also

Other input elements: actionButton(), checkboxGroupInput(), checkboxInput(), dateInput(), dateRangeInput(), fileInput(), numericInput(), passwordInput(), radioButtons(), selectInput(), sliderInput(), textAreaInput(), textInput(), varSelectInput()


Run this code
if (interactive()) {

  ui = basicPage(
    numericInput("num", label = "Make changes", value = 1),
    submitButton("Update View", icon("refresh")),
    helpText("When you click the button above, you should see",
             "the output below update to reflect the value you",
             "entered at the top:"),
  server = function(input, output) {

    # submit buttons do not have a value of their own,
    # they control when the app accesses values of other widgets.
    # input$num is the value of the number widget.
    output$value <- renderPrint({ input$num })

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab