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shinyWidgets (version 0.5.4)

autonumericInput: Autonumeric Input Widget


An R wrapper over the javascript AutoNumeric library, for formatting numeric inputs in shiny applications.


  width = NULL,
  align = "center",
  currencySymbol = NULL,
  currencySymbolPlacement = NULL,
  decimalCharacter = NULL,
  digitGroupSeparator = NULL,
  allowDecimalPadding = NULL,
  decimalPlaces = NULL,
  divisorWhenUnfocused = NULL,
  rawValueDivisor = NULL,
  formatOnPageLoad = NULL,
  maximumValue = NULL,
  minimumValue = NULL,
  modifyValueOnWheel = NULL,



The input slot that will be used to access the value.


Display label for the control, or NULL for no label.


Initial value (unformatted).


The width of the input box, eg. "200px" or "100%".


The alignment of the text inside the input box, one of "center" (default), "left", "right".


Defines the currency symbol string. It can be a string of more than one character (allowing for instance to use a space on either side of it, example: '$ ' or ' $'). Defaults to "".


Defines where the currency symbol should be placed, "p" for prefix or "s" for suffix (default).


Defines what decimal separator character is used. Defaults to ",".


Defines what decimal separator character is used. Defaults to ".".


Defines if decimal places should be padded with zeros. Defaults to TRUE.


Defines the default number of decimal places to show on the formatted value, and keep for the precision. Must be 0 or a positive integer. Defaults to 2.


The number that divides the element value on blur. On focus, the number is multiplied back in. Defaults to NULL.


Divides the formatted value shown in the AutoNumeric element and store the divided result in rawValue. Defaults to 1.


Determine if the default value will be formatted on initialization. Defaults to TRUE.


Defines the maximum possible value a user can enter.


Defines the minimum possible value a user can enter.


Allows the user to increment or decrement the element value with the mouse wheel. The wheel behavior can be modified by the wheelStep option. Defaults to TRUE.


Additional parameters that can be passed to AutoNumeric. See details for more information.


An autonumericInput object to be used in the UI function of a Shiny App.


This function wraps the AutoNumeric.js library. The parameter documentation provided here should be sufficient for most users, but for those wishing to use advanced configurations it is advised to look at the documentation on the AutoNumeric GitHub repository. Alexandre Bonneau has done a wonderful job of documenting all parameters and full explanations of all parameters and their associated values can be found there.

The ... parameter can take any of the arguments listed on the AutoNumeric GitHub repository. A quick reference follows:

  • decimalPlacesRawValue - Defines How many decimal places should be kept for the raw value. If set to NULL (default) then decimalPlaces is used.

  • decimalPlacesShownOnBlur - Defines how many decimal places should be visible when the element is unfocused. If NULL (default) then decimalPlaces is used.

  • decimalPlacesShownOnFocus - Defines how many decimal places should be visible when the element has the focus. If NULL (default) then decimalPlaces is used.

  • digitalGroupSpacing - Defines how many numbers should be grouped together for the thousands separator groupings. Must be one of c("2", "2s", "3", "4"). Defaults to 3.

  • alwaysAllowDecimalCharacter - Defines if the decimal character or decimal character alternative should be accepted when there is already a decimal character shown in the element. If set to TRUE, any decimal character input will be accepted and will subsequently modify the decimal character position, as well as the rawValue. If set to FALSE, the decimal character and its alternative key will be dropped. This is the default setting.

  • createLocalList - Defines if a local list of AutoNumeric objects should be kept when initializing this object. Defaults to TRUE.

  • decimalCharacterAlternative - Allow to declare an alternative decimal separator which is automatically replaced by decimalCharacter when typed. This is useful for countries that use a comma ',' as the decimal character and have keyboards with numeric pads providing a period '.' as the decimal character (in France or Spain for instance). Must be NULL (default), ",", or ".".

  • emptyInputBehavior - Defines what should be displayed in the element if the raw value is missing. One of c(NULL, "focus", "press", "always", "min", "max", "zero") or a custom value. Defaults to NULL. See AutoNumeric GitHub repository for full details.

  • selectNumberOnly - Determine if the select all keyboard command will select the complete input text, or only the input numeric value. Defaults to TRUE.

  • selectOnFocus - Defines if the element value should be selected on focus. Note: The selection is done using the selectNumberOnly option. Defaults to TRUE.

  • eventBubbles - Defines if the custom and native events triggered by AutoNumeric should bubble up or not. Defaults to TRUE.

  • eventIsCancelable - Defines if the custom and native events triggered by AutoNumeric should be cancelable. Defaults to TRUE.

  • formulaMode - Defines if the formula mode can be activated by the user. If set to true, then the user can enter the formula mode by entering the '=' character. The user will then be allowed to enter any simple math formula using numeric characters as well as the following operators: +, -, *, /, ( and ). The formula mode is exited when the user either validate their math expression using the Enter key, or when the element is blurred. Defaults to FALSE.

  • historySize - Set the undo/redo history table size. Defaults to 20.

  • isCancellable - Allow the user to cancel and undo the changes he made to the given autonumeric-managed element, by pressing the Escape key. Defaults to TRUE.

  • leadingZero - This options describes if entering 0 on the far left of the numbers is allowed, and if the superfluous zeroes should be kept when the input is blurred. One of c("allow", "deny", and "keep"). Defaults to "deny". See AutoNumeric GitHub repository for full details.

  • wheelOn - Defines when the wheel event will increment or decrement the element value. One of c("focus", "hover"). Defaults to "focus".

  • wheelStep - Defines by how much the element value should be incremented/decremented on the wheel event. Can be a set value or the string "progressive" which determines the step from the size of the input. Defaults to "progressive".

  • negativeBracketsTypeOnBlur - Adds brackets-like characters on negative values when unfocused. Those brackets are visible only when the field does not have the focus. The left and right symbols should be enclosed in quotes and separated by a comma. Defaults to NULL.

  • negativePositiveSignPlacement - Placement of the negative/positive sign relative to the currencySymbol option. One of c("p", "s", "l", "r", NULL), defaults to NULL. See AutoNumeric GitHub repository for further documentation.

  • negativeSignCharacter - Defines the negative sign symbol to use. Must be a single character and be non-numeric. Defaults to "-".

  • positiveSignCharacter - Defines the positive sign symbol to use. Must be a single character and be non-numeric. Defaults to "+".

  • showPositiveSign - Allow the positive sign symbol positiveSignCharacter to be displayed for positive numbers. Defaults to FALSE.

  • onInvalidPaste - Manage how autoNumeric react when the user tries to paste an invalid number. One of c("error", "ignore", "clamp", "truncate", "replace"). Defaults to "error".

  • overrideMinMaxLimits - Override the minimum and maximum limits. Must be one of c("ceiling", "floor", "ignore", NULL). Defaults to "ceiling".

  • readOnly - Defines if the element (<input> or another allowed html tag) should be set as read only on initialization. Defaults to FALSE.

  • roundingMethod - Defines the rounding method to use. One of c("S", "A", "s", "a", "B", "U", "D", "C", "F", "N05", "CHF", "U05", "D05"). Defaults to "S". See AutoNumeric GitHub repository for further documentation.

  • saveValueToSessionStorage - Set to TRUE to allow the decimalPlacesShownOnFocus value to be saved with sessionStorage. Defaults to FALSE.

  • serializeSpaces - Defines how the serialize functions should treat the spaces. Either "+" (default) or "%20" (the older behavior).

  • showOnlyNumbersOnFocus - Defines if the element value should be converted to the raw value on focus or mouseenter, (and back to the formatted on blur or mouseleave). Defaults to FALSE.

  • showWarnings - Defines if warnings should be shown in the console. Defaults to TRUE.

  • styleRules - Defines the rules that calculate the CSS class(es) to apply on the element, based on the raw unformatted value. Defaults to NULL.

  • suffixText - Add a text on the right hand side of the element value. This suffix text can have any characters in its string, except numeric characters and the negative or positive sign. Defaults to NULL.

  • symbolWhenUnfocused - Defines the symbol placed as a suffix when not in focus or hovered. Defaults to NULL.

  • unformatOnHover - Defines if the element value should be unformatted when the user hover his mouse over it while holding the Alt key. Defaults to TRUE.

  • valuesToStrings - Provides a way for automatically replacing the formatted value with a pre-defined string, when the raw value is equal to a specific value. Defaults to NULL.

  • watchExternalChanges - Defines if the AutoNumeric element should watch external changes made without using .set(). Defaults to FALSE.


Bonneau, Alexandre. 2018. "AutoNumeric.js javascript Package". http://autonumeric.org

See Also

Other autonumeric: currencyInput(), updateAutonumericInput(), updateCurrencyInput()


Run this code
if (interactive()) {

  ui <- fluidPage(
    h1("Autonumeric Inputs"),
      inputId = "id1",
      label = "Default Input",
      value = 1234.56

      inputId = "id2",
      label = "Custom Thousands of Dollars Input",
      value = 1234.56,
      align = "right",
      currencySymbol = "$",
      currencySymbolPlacement = "p",
      decimalCharacter = ".",
      digitGroupSeparator = ",",
      divisorWhenUnfocused = 1000,
      symbolWhenUnfocused = "K"

      inputId = "id3",
      label = "Custom Millions of Euros Input with Positive Sign",
      value = 12345678910,
      align = "right",
      currencySymbol = "\u20ac",
      currencySymbolPlacement = "s",
      decimalCharacter = ",",
      digitGroupSeparator = ".",
      divisorWhenUnfocused = 1000000,
      symbolWhenUnfocused = " (millions)",
      showPositiveSign = TRUE

  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$res1 <- renderPrint(input$id1)
    output$res2 <- renderPrint(input$id2)
    output$res3 <- renderPrint(input$id3)

  shinyApp(ui, server)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab