## Biokey() # makes (harmless) error message but also shows which conversions are available
Numranks() # shows the conversion table
## ===
Numranks(ranks="kingdom") # "kingdom", "order", "family" and "tribe" translate into Latin
## ===
## three branched keys
i1 <- c("1 A ", "2 B Name1", "2 BB Name2", "1 AA ", "3 C Name3", "3 CC Name4")
i2 <- c("1 A Name1", "2 B Name2", "2 BB ", "3 C Name3", "3 CC Name4")
i3 <- c("1 A Name1", "2 B Name2", "2 BB ", "3 C Name3",
"3 CC Name4", "2 BBB ", "4 D Name5", "4 DD Name6", "4 DDD Name7")
k1 <- read.table(textConnection(i1), sep=" ", as.is=TRUE)
k2 <- read.table(textConnection(i2), sep=" ", as.is=TRUE)
k3 <- read.table(textConnection(i3), sep=" ", as.is=TRUE)
## convert them into phylogeny trees and plot
t1 <- Biokey(k1, from="branched", to="newick")
t2 <- Biokey(k2, from="branched", to="newick")
t3 <- Biokey(k3, from="branched", to="newick")
library(ape) # load 'ape' to plot Newick trees below
## ===
## Bracket keys
bracket1 <- keys[[1]]
Biokey(bracket1, from="bracket", to="backreferenced")
(ii <- Biokey(bracket1, from="bracket", to="indented"))
## Remove third condition to avoid warnings:
Biokey(bracket1[bracket1[, 3] != "Horse", ], from="bracket", to="serial")
(nn <- Biokey(bracket1, from="bracket", to="newick"))
plot.phylo(read.tree(text=nn)) # plot newick as phylogeny trees
## Now convert indent column into actual indents:
for (i in 1:length(ii[, 1])) ii[i, 1] <- paste(rep(" ", ii[i, 1]), collapse="")
## and make also dot leaders
ifelse(!is.na(ii[, 3]), "...", "")
## Branched keys
branched1 <- keys[[3]]
Biokey(branched1, from="branched", to="bracket")[1:7, ]
Biokey(branched1, from="branched", to="indented")[1:7, ]
Biokey(branched1, from="branched", to="serial")[1:7, ]
(nn <- Biokey(branched1, from="branched", to="newick"))
## Indented keys (same as branched but with indent as first column)
indented0 <- c("0 1 Blue ", "1 2 Gas Sky", "1 2 Liquid ",
"0 1 Yellow ", "2 3 Star Sun", "2 3 Buttecup Flower")
(indented1 <- read.table(textConnection(indented0), sep=" ", as.is=TRUE))
Biokey(indented1, from="indented", to="bracket")
Biokey(indented1, from="indented", to="serial")
(nn <- Biokey(indented1, from="indented", to="newick"))
## Serial keys
serial1 <- keys[[4]]
Biokey(serial1, from="serial", to="bracket")[1:7, ]
Biokey(serial1, from="serial", to="indented")[1:7, ]
(nn <- Biokey(serial1, from="serial", to="newick"))
## Classifs
classif2 <- classifs[[2]]
classif2[, 1] <- Numranks(ranks=classif2[, 1], add=c(Series=1.1))
Biokey(classif2, from="classif", to="table")[1:7, ]
(nn <- Biokey(classif2, from="classif", to="newick"))
tt <- read.tree(text=nn)
plot.phylo(tt, node.depth=2)
nodelabels(tt$node.label, frame="none", bg="transparent", adj=-0.05)
## Classification tables
table0 <- c("FAMILY SUBFAMILY TRIBE GENUS", "Hominidae Homininae Hominini Homo",
"Hominidae Homininae Hominini Pan", "Hominidae Homininae Gorillini Gorilla",
"Hominidae Ponginae Ponginini Pongo")
(table1 <- read.table(textConnection(table0), sep=" ", as.is=TRUE, h=TRUE))
names(table1) <- Numranks(ranks=names(table1))
Biokey(table1, from="table", to="classif")
## Newick phylogeny trees
newick1 <- "((Coronopus,Plantago),(Bougueria,(Psyllium_s.str.,Albicans)),Littorella);"
Biokey(newick1, from="newick", to="classif")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab