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simsalapar (version 1.0-12)

mayplot: Matrix-like Plot for Arrays up to Rank 5


Produces a matrix-like plot for arrays up to rank 5, using grid and gridBase which allows traditional graphics, optionally via a user specified panel function panel.


mayplot(x, vList, row.vars = NULL, col.vars = NULL,
        xvar, method = if(has.n.sim) "boxplot" else "lines",
       panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL,
       type = "l", pch = NULL, ylim = "global",
       log = "", do.legend = TRUE,
       spc = c(0.04/max(1,n.x-1), 0.04/max(1,n.y-1)),
       axlabspc=c(0.12, 0.08), labspc=c(0.04, 0.04),
       n.sim.spc = 0.06, auxcol = c("gray40", "gray78", "gray90", "white"),
       pcol = c("black", "blue", "red", "orange"), grid.lwd = 1.6, ax.lwd = 2,
       tx.cex = 1.2, leg.cex = 1, xlab = NULL, ylab = NA,
       do.n.sim = has.n.sim,
       verbose = getOption("verbose"), show.layout = verbose, ...)


the layout, invisibly.



numeric array of ‘rank’ 5, i.e., length(dim(x)) == 5, with named dimnames; typically resulting from a call like getArray(doMclapply(..)).


a list of variable specifications, see varlist and mkGrid.


a dimension name of x, a string; this variable is plotted in the plot rows.


a dimension name of x, a string; this variable is plotted in the plot columns.


dimension name of x, a string; this variable is plotted on the x axis of each sub-plot.


character string indicating the plot method used. Currently available are "boxplot" (the default if vList has n.sim) or "lines" (otherwise; type adjusts the type of lines used).

panel.first, panel.last

function or NULL (default). If specified, panel.first(x, y, col, ...) is called before and panel.last(x, y, col, ...) is called after the main plotting functions (think boxplot.matrix() and lines()) are called in each panel.


character indicating the type of plotting in the non-boxplot case; actually any of the types as in plot.default.


logical indicating whether a plot symbol is to be used in the legend (default NULL determines this from type).


either string "global", "local", or a numeric vector, as for plot.default.


logical indicating if logarithmic scales should be used (in the individual plots).


logical indicating if a legend should be added.


dimensions (x, y) in “npc” for the space between sub-plots. The default uses a simple adaption to the number of sub-plots in each direction.


vector of length two containing the width of the y axis label and the height of the x axis label in “npc”.


vector of length two containing the width of the box of the row labels and the height of the box of the column labels in “npc”.


space for n.sim on the bottom right of the plot in “npc” (only if available).


auxiliary colors; vector with four components:

  1. color of axes and ticks

  2. background color for the row and column labels

  3. background color for the plots

  4. color of grid lines


plot base colors. If more colors than the provided ones are required, colorRampPalette() is used.


lwd for grid


lwd for axes


cex for row and column labels


cex of legend text and n.sim if appropriate


x axis label (spanned over all plot columns); when NULL, the default is vList[[xvar]]$expr; to suppress, use NA.


y axis label (spanned over all plot rows): Typically a label for the "value" of the simulation.


logical indicating whether n.sim is displayed on the bottom right of the plot (only if available).


logical indicating whether more information is displayed during plotting.


logical indicating whether the grid layout is displayed.


optional arguments passed to panel().


Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.

See Also

matplot unit and grid.layout from package grid.


Run this code
vLis <-
 varlist(d = list(type="grid", value = c(10, 100, 1000)),
         family=list(type="grid", value = c("Clayton", "Gumbel")),
         tau = list(type="grid", value = c(0.25, 0.5)),
         alpha = list(type="inner", value = c(0.95, 0.99, 0.999)))

iP <- c(4, 1:3)# <- permutation, putting alpha first
dNms <- mkNms(vLis)[iP]
## an array as from  x <- getArray( doMclapply(vLis, ..) ) :
x <- array(
    c(6.1981, 8.0478, 8.4265, 46.883, 74.359, 86.4394, 432.585, 743.27, 859.35,
      4.8508, 6.0286, 6.3965, 26.380, 35.132, 47.1517, 243.113, 311.36, 342.84,
      7.8546, 8.9769, 9.2199, 78.235, 89.493, 92.2875, 785.674, 893.63, 923.62,
      7.7164, 8.2866, 8.8169, 75.959, 82.806, 88.0626, 756.786, 831.65, 874.70),
    dim = sapply(dNms, length), dimnames = dNms)

mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y",
## the same, but no xlab and no ylab :
mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y", xlab=NA)

# \dontshow{
## Should also work, identically:
for(i in 1:5) ## use a random permutation of x's dimensions:
 mayplot(aperm(x, sample(4)),
        vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab