# Please go to https://simsem.org/ for more examples in the Vignettes.
## Example of using simsem model template
loading <- matrix(0, 6, 2)
loading[1:3, 1] <- NA
loading[4:6, 2] <- NA
LY <- bind(loading, 0.7)
latent.cor <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
diag(latent.cor) <- 1
RPS <- binds(latent.cor, 0.5)
RTE <- binds(diag(6))
VY <- bind(rep(NA,6),2)
CFA.Model <- model(LY = LY, RPS = RPS, RTE = RTE, modelType = "CFA")
# In reality, more than 5 replications are needed.
Output <- sim(5, CFA.Model, n=200)
## Example of using lavaan model syntax
popModel <- "
f1 =~ 0.7*y1 + 0.7*y2 + 0.7*y3
f2 =~ 0.7*y4 + 0.7*y5 + 0.7*y6
f1 ~~ 1*f1
f2 ~~ 1*f2
f1 ~~ 0.5*f2
y1 ~~ 0.49*y1
y2 ~~ 0.49*y2
y3 ~~ 0.49*y3
y4 ~~ 0.49*y4
y5 ~~ 0.49*y5
y6 ~~ 0.49*y6
analysisModel <- "
f1 =~ y1 + y2 + y3
f2 =~ y4 + y5 + y6
Output <- sim(5, model=analysisModel, n=200, generate=popModel, std.lv=TRUE, lavaanfun = "cfa")
## Example of using raw data as the population
pop <- data.frame(y1 = rnorm(100000, 0, 1), y2 = rnorm(100000, 0, 1))
covModel <- " y1 ~~ y2 "
Output <- sim(5, model=covModel, n=200, rawData=pop, lavaanfun = "cfa")
## Example of user-defined functions:
# data-transformation function: Transforming to standard score
fun1 <- function(data) {
temp <- scale(data)
# additional-output function: Extract modification indices from lavaan
fun2 <- function(out) {
inspect(out, "mi")
# In reality, more than 5 replications are needed.
Output <- sim(5, CFA.Model,n=200,datafun=fun1, outfun=fun2)
# Get modification indices
## Example of additional output: Comparing latent variable correlation
outfundata <- function(out, data) {
predictcor <- lavInspect(out, "est")$psi[2, 1]
latentvar <- attr(data, "latentVar")[,c("f1", "f2")]
latentcor <- cor(latentvar)[2,1]
latentcor - predictcor
Output <- sim(5, CFA.Model, n=200, sequential = TRUE, saveLatentVar = TRUE,
outfundata = outfundata)
## Example of analyze using a function
analyzeFUN <- function(data) {
out <- lm(y2 ~ y1, data=data)
coef <- coef(out)
se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
fit <- c(loglik = as.numeric(logLik(out)))
converged <- TRUE # Assume to be convergent all the time
return(list(coef = coef, se = se, fit = fit, converged = converged))
Output <- sim(5, model=analyzeFUN, n=200, rawData=pop, lavaanfun = "cfa")
# }
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