if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Dataset Multilevel data.ml1 - dichotomous items
dat <- data.ml1[,-1]
group <- data.ml1$group
# just for a try use a very small number of iterations
burnin <- 50 ; iter <- 100
# Model 1: 1PNO with no cluster item effects
mod1 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat, group, est.b.Var="n", burnin=burnin, iter=iter )
summary(mod1) # summary
plot(mod1,layout=2,ask=TRUE) # plot results
# write results to coda file
mcmclist2coda( mod1$mcmcobj, name="data.ml1_mod1" )
# Model 2: 1PNO with cluster item effects of item difficulties
mod2 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat, group, est.b.Var="i", burnin=burnin, iter=iter )
plot(mod2, ask=TRUE, layout=2 )
# Model 3: 2PNO with cluster item effects of item difficulties but
# joint item slopes
mod3 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat, group, est.b.Var="i", est.a.M="h",
burnin=burnin, iter=iter )
# Model 4: 2PNO with cluster item effects of item difficulties and
# cluster item effects with a jointly estimated SD
mod4 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat, group, est.b.Var="i", est.a.M="h",
est.a.Var="j", burnin=burnin, iter=iter )
# EXAMPLE 2: Dataset Multilevel data.ml2 - polytomous items
# assuming a normal distribution for polytomous items
dat <- data.ml2[,-1]
group <- data.ml2$group
# set iterations for all examples (too few!!)
burnin <- 100 ; iter <- 500
# Model 1: no intercept variance, no slopes
mod1 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat=dat, group=group, est.b.Var="n",
burnin=burnin, iter=iter, link="normal", progress.iter=20 )
# Model 2a: itemwise intercept variance, no slopes
mod2a <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat=dat, group=group, est.b.Var="i",
burnin=burnin, iter=iter,link="normal", progress.iter=20 )
# Model 2b: homogeneous intercept variance, no slopes
mod2b <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat=dat, group=group, est.b.Var="j",
burnin=burnin, iter=iter,link="normal", progress.iter=20 )
# Model 3: intercept variance and slope variances
# hierarchical item and slope parameters
mod3 <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat=dat, group=group,
est.b.M="h", est.b.Var="i", est.a.M="h", est.a.Var="i",
burnin=burnin, iter=iter,link="normal", progress.iter=20 )
# EXAMPLE 3: Simulated random effects model | dichotomous items
#*** model parameters
sig2.lev2 <- .3^2 # theta level 2 variance
sig2.lev1 <- .8^2 # theta level 1 variance
G <- 100 # number of groups
n <- 20 # number of persons within a group
I <- 12 # number of items
#*** simuate theta
theta2 <- stats::rnorm( G, sd=sqrt(sig2.lev2) )
theta1 <- stats::rnorm( n*G, sd=sqrt(sig2.lev1) )
theta <- theta1 + rep( theta2, each=n )
#*** item difficulties
b <- seq( -2, 2, len=I )
#*** define group identifier
group <- 1000 + rep(1:G, each=n )
#*** SD of group specific difficulties for items 3 and 5
sigma.item <- rep(0,I)
sigma.item[c(3,5)] <- 1
#*** simulate group specific item difficulties
b.class <- sapply( sigma.item, FUN=function(sii){ stats::rnorm( G, sd=sii ) } )
b.class <- b.class[ rep( 1:G,each=n ), ]
b <- matrix( b, n*G, I, byrow=TRUE ) + b.class
#*** simulate item responses
m1 <- stats::pnorm( theta - b )
dat <- 1 * ( m1 > matrix( stats::runif( n*G*I ), n*G, I ) )
#*** estimate model
mod <- sirt::mcmc.2pno.ml( dat, group=group, burnin=burnin, iter=iter,
est.b.M="n", est.b.Var="i", progress.iter=20)
plot(mod, layout=2, ask=TRUE )
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