## EXAMPLE 1: Noncompensatory and compensatory IRT models
# (1) simulate data from a two-dimensional noncompensatory
# item response model
# -> increase number of iterations in all models!
N <- 1000 # number of persons
I <- 10 # number of items
theta0 <- rnorm( N, sd=1 )
theta1 <- theta0 + rnorm(N, sd=.7 )
theta2 <- theta0 + rnorm(N, sd=.7 )
Q <- matrix( 1, nrow=I,ncol=2 )
Q[ 1:(I/2), 2 ] <- 0
Q[ I,1] <- 0
b <- matrix( rnorm( I*2 ), I, 2 )
a <- matrix( 1, I, 2 )
# simulate data
prob <- dat <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=I )
for (ii in 1:I){
prob[,ii] <- ( stats::plogis( theta1 - b[ii,1] ) )^Q[ii,1]
prob[,ii] <- prob[,ii] * ( stats::plogis( theta2 - b[ii,2] ) )^Q[ii,2]
dat[ prob > matrix( stats::runif( N*I),N,I) ] <- 1
colnames(dat) <- paste0("I",1:I)
# Model 1: Noncompensatory 1PL model
mod1 <- sirt::smirt(dat, Qmatrix=Q, maxiter=10 ) # change number of iterations
if (FALSE) {
# Model 2: Noncompensatory 2PL model
mod2 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.a="2PL", maxiter=15 )
# Model 2a: avoid convergence problems with increment.factor
mod2a <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.a="2PL", maxiter=30, increment.factor=1.03)
# Model 3: some fixed c and d parameters different from zero or one
c.init <- rep(0,I)
c.init[ c(3,7)] <- .2
d.init <- rep(1,I)
d.init[c(4,8)] <- .95
mod3 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, c.init=c.init, d.init=d.init )
# Model 4: some estimated c and d parameters (in parameter groups)
est.c <- c.init <- rep(0,I)
c.estpars <- c(3,6,7)
c.init[ c.estpars ] <- .2
est.c[c.estpars] <- 1
est.d <- rep(0,I)
d.init <- rep(1,I)
d.estpars <- c(6,9)
d.init[ d.estpars ] <- .95
est.d[ d.estpars ] <- d.estpars # different d parameters
mod4 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.c=est.c, c.init=c.init,
est.d=est.d, d.init=d.init )
# Model 5: Unidimensional 1PL model
Qmatrix <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=1 )
mod5 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix )
# Model 6: Unidimensional 2PL model
mod6 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 7: Compensatory model with between item dimensionality
# Note that the data is simulated under the noncompensatory condition
# Therefore Model 7 should have a worse model fit than Model 1
Q1 <- Q
Q1[ 6:10, 1] <- 0
mod7 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q1, irtmodel="comp", maxiter=30)
# Model 8: Compensatory model with within item dimensionality
# assuming zero correlation between dimensions
variance.fixed <- as.matrix( cbind( 1,2,0) )
# set the covariance between the first and second dimension to zero
mod8 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="comp", variance.fixed=variance.fixed,
# Model 8b: 2PL model with starting values for a and b parameters
b.init <- rep(0,10) # set all item difficulties initially to zero
# b.init <- NULL
a.init <- Q # initialize a.init with Q-matrix
# provide starting values for slopes of first three items on Dimension 1
a.init[1:3,1] <- c( .55, .32, 1.3)
mod8b <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="comp", variance.fixed=variance.fixed,
b.init=b.init, a.init=a.init, maxiter=20, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 9: Unidimensional model with quadratic item response functions
# define theta
theta.k <- seq( - 6, 6, len=15 )
theta.k <- as.matrix( theta.k, ncol=1 )
# define design matrix
theta.kDES <- cbind( theta.k[,1], theta.k[,1]^2 )
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix( 0, I, 2 )
Qmatrix[,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[ c(3,6,7), 2 ] <- 1
colnames(Qmatrix) <- c("F1", "F1sq" )
# estimate model
mod9 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Qmatrix, maxiter=50, irtmodel="comp",
theta.k=theta.k, theta.kDES=theta.kDES, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 10: Two-dimensional item response model with latent interaction
# between dimensions
theta.k <- seq( - 6, 6, len=15 )
theta.k <- expand.grid( theta.k, theta.k ) # expand theta to 2 dimensions
# define design matrix
theta.kDES <- cbind( theta.k, theta.k[,1]*theta.k[,2] )
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix( 0, I, 3 )
Qmatrix[,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[ 6:10, c(2,3) ] <- 1
colnames(Qmatrix) <- c("F1", "F2", "F1iF2" )
# estimate model
mod10 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Qmatrix,irtmodel="comp", theta.k=theta.k,
theta.kDES=theta.kDES, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 11: Example Quasi Monte Carlo integration
Qmatrix <- matrix( 1, I, 1 )
mod11 <- sirt::smirt( dat, irtmodel="comp", Qmatrix=Qmatrix, qmcnodes=1000 )
## EXAMPLE 2: Dataset Reading data.read
## Multidimensional models for dichotomous data
dat <- data.read
I <- ncol(dat) # number of items
# Model 1: 3-dimensional 2PL model
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=I,ncol=3)
Qmatrix[1:4,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[5:8,2] <- 1
Qmatrix[9:12,3] <- 1
# estimate model
mod1 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 2: 3-dimensional Rasch model
mod2 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp",
qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 3: 3-dimensional 2PL model with uncorrelated dimensions
# fix entries in variance matrix
variance.fixed <- cbind( c(1,1,2), c(2,3,3), 0 )
# set the following covariances to zero: cov[1,2]=cov[1,3]=cov[2,3]=0
# estimate model
mod3 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
variance.fixed=variance.fixed, qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 4: Bifactor model with one general factor (g) and
# uncorrelated specific factors
# define a new Q-matrix
Qmatrix1 <- cbind( 1, Qmatrix )
# uncorrelated factors
variance.fixed <- cbind( c(1,1,1,2,2,3), c(2,3,4,3,4,4), 0 )
# The first dimension refers to the general factors while the other
# dimensions refer to the specific factors.
# The specification means that:
# Cov[1,2]=Cov[1,3]=Cov[1,4]=Cov[2,3]=Cov[2,4]=Cov[3,4]=0
# estimate model
mod4 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix1, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
variance.fixed=variance.fixed, qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
## EXAMPLE 3: Partially compensatory model
#**** simulate data
I <- 10 # number of items
N <- 2000 # number of subjects
Q <- matrix( 0, 3*I,2) # Q-matrix
Q[1:I,1] <- 1
Q[1:I + I,2] <- 1
Q[1:I + 2*I,1:2] <- 1
b <- matrix( stats::runif( 3*I *2, -2, 2 ), nrow=3*I, 2 )
b <- b*Q
b <- round( b, 2 )
mui <- rep(0,3*I)
mui[ seq(2*I+1, 3*I) ] <- 0.65
# generate data
dat <- matrix( NA, N, 3*I )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("It", 1:(3*I) )
# simulate item responses
theta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(N, mean=c(0,0), sigma=matrix( c( 1.2, .6,.6,1.6),2, 2 ) )
for (ii in 1:(3*I)){
# define probability
tmp1 <- exp( theta[,1] * Q[ii,1] - b[ii,1] + theta[,2] * Q[ii,2] - b[ii,2] )
# non-compensatory model
nco1 <- ( 1 + exp( theta[,1] * Q[ii,1] - b[ii,1] ) ) *
( 1 + exp( theta[,2] * Q[ii,2] - b[ii,2] ) )
co1 <- ( 1 + tmp1 )
p1 <- tmp1 / ( mui[ii] * nco1 + ( 1 - mui[ii] )*co1 )
dat[,ii] <- 1 * ( stats::runif(N) < p1 )
#*** Model 1: Joint mu.i parameter for all items
est.mu.i <- rep(0,3*I)
est.mu.i[ seq(2*I+1,3*I)] <- 1
mod1 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="partcomp", est.mu.i=est.mu.i)
#*** Model 2: Separate mu.i parameter for all items
est.mu.i[ seq(2*I+1,3*I)] <- 1:I
mod2 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="partcomp", est.mu.i=est.mu.i)
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