if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Simulated data according to Janssen et al. (2000, Table 2)
N <- 1000
Ik <- c(4,6,8,5,9,6,8,6,5)
xi.k <- c( -.89, -1.13, -1.23, .06, -1.41, -.66, -1.09, .57, -2.44)
omega.k <- c(.98, .91, .76, .74, .71, .80, .79, .82, .54)
# select 4 attributes
K <- 4
Ik <- Ik[1:K] ; xi.k <- xi.k[1:K] ; omega.k <- omega.k[1:K]
sig2 <- 3.02
nu2 <- .09
I <- sum(Ik)
b <- rep( xi.k, Ik ) + stats::rnorm(I, sd=sqrt(sig2) )
a <- rep( omega.k, Ik ) + stats::rnorm(I, sd=sqrt(nu2) )
theta1 <- stats::rnorm(N)
t1 <- rep(1,N)
p1 <- stats::pnorm( outer(t1,a) * ( theta1 - outer(t1,b) ) )
dat <- 1 * ( p1 > stats::runif(N*I) )
itemgroups <- rep( paste0("A", 1:K ), Ik )
# estimate model
mod <- sirt::mcmc.2pnoh(dat, itemgroups, burnin=200, iter=1000 )
# summary
# plot
plot(mod$mcmcobj, ask=TRUE)
# write coda files
mcmclist2coda( mod$mcmcobj, name="simul_2pnoh" )
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