if (FALSE) {
## EXAMPLE 1: Unidimensional item response functions
dat <- data.read
#------ Definition of item response functions
#*** IRF 2PL
P_2PL <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
a <- par[1]
b <- par[2]
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,1] <- 1
for (cc in 2:ncat){
P[,cc] <- exp( (cc-1) * a * Theta[,1] - b )
P <- P / rowSums(P)
#*** IRF 1PL
P_1PL <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
b <- par[1]
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,1] <- 1
for (cc in 2:ncat){
P[,cc] <- exp( (cc-1) * Theta[,1] - b )
P <- P / rowSums(P)
#** created item classes of 1PL and 2PL models
par <- c( "a"=1, "b"=0 )
# define some slightly informative prior of 2PL
item_2PL <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="2PL", par=par, est=c(TRUE,TRUE),
P=P_2PL, prior=c(a="dlnorm"), prior_par1=c( a=0 ),
prior_par2=c(a=5) )
item_1PL <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="1PL", par=par[2], est=c(TRUE),
P=P_1PL )
customItems <- list( item_1PL, item_2PL )
#---- definition theta distribution
#** theta grid
Theta <- matrix( seq(-6,6,length=21), ncol=1 )
#** theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G){
mu <- par[1]
sigma <- max( par[2], .01 )
TP <- nrow(Theta)
pi_Theta <- matrix( 0, nrow=TP, ncol=G)
pi1 <- dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu, sd=sigma )
pi1 <- pi1 / sum(pi1)
pi_Theta[,1] <- pi1
#** create distribution class
par_Theta <- c( "mu"=0, "sigma"=1 )
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta, est=c(FALSE,TRUE),
P=P_Theta1 )
#******* Model 1: Rasch model
#-- create parameter table
itemtype <- rep( "1PL", 12 )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype,
customItems=customItems )
# estimate model
mod1 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta)
# estimate Rasch model by providing starting values
partable1 <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable( partable, parname="b",
value=- stats::qlogis( colMeans(dat) ) )
# estimate model again
mod1b <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable1,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta )
# extract coefficients, covariance matrix and standard errors
#** start with EM and finalize with Newton-Raphson algorithm
mod1c <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta,
maxit=20, maxit_nr=300)
#******* Model 2: 2PL Model with three groups of item discriminations
#-- create parameter table
itemtype <- rep( "2PL", 12 )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype, customItems=customItems)
# modify parameter table: set constraints for item groups A, B and C
partable1 <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable(partable, item=paste0("A",1:4),
parname="a", parindex=111)
partable1 <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable(partable1, item=paste0("B",1:4),
parname="a", parindex=112)
partable1 <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable(partable1, item=paste0("C",1:4),
parname="a", parindex=113)
# delete prior distributions
partable1 <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable(partable1, parname="a", prior=NA)
#-- fix sigma to 1
customTheta1 <- customTheta
customTheta1$est <- c("mu"=FALSE,"sigma"=FALSE )
# estimate model
mod2 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable1,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta1 )
#******* Model 3: Cloglog link function
#*** IRF cloglog
P_1N <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
b <- par
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,2] <- 1 - exp( - exp( Theta - b ) )
P[,1] <- 1 - P[,2]
par <- c("b"=0)
item_1N <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="1N", par=par, est=c(TRUE),
P=P_1N )
customItems <- list( item_1N )
itemtype <- rep( "1N", I )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat[,items], itemtype=itemtype,
customItems=customItems )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable( partable=partable, parname="b",
value=- stats::qnorm( colMeans(dat[,items] )) )
#*** estimate model
mod3 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable, customItems=customItems,
customTheta=customTheta )
#******* Model 4: Latent class model
K <- 3 # number of classes
Theta <- diag(K)
#*** Theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G ){
logitprobs <- par[1:(K-1)]
l1 <- exp( c( logitprobs, 0 ) )
probs <- matrix( l1/sum(l1), ncol=1)
par_Theta <- stats::qlogis( rep( 1/K, K-1 ) )
names(par_Theta) <- paste0("pi",1:(K-1) )
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta,
est=rep(TRUE,K-1), P=P_Theta1)
#*** IRF latent class
P_lc <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
b <- par
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,1] <- 1
for (cc in 2:ncat){
P[,cc] <- exp( Theta %*% b )
P <- P / rowSums(P)
par <- seq( -1.5, 1.5, length=K )
names(par) <- paste0("b",1:K)
item_lc <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="LC", par=par,
est=rep(TRUE,K), P=P_lc )
customItems <- list( item_lc )
# create parameter table
itemtype <- rep( "LC", 12 )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype, customItems=customItems)
#*** estimate model
mod4 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable, customItems=customItems,
# class probabilities
# item response functions
imod4 <- IRT.irfprob( mod5 )
round( imod4[,2,], 3 )
#******* Model 5: Ordered latent class model
K <- 3 # number of classes
Theta <- diag(K)
Theta <- apply( Theta, 1, cumsum )
#*** Theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G ){
logitprobs <- par[1:(K-1)]
l1 <- exp( c( logitprobs, 0 ) )
probs <- matrix( l1/sum(l1), ncol=1)
par_Theta <- stats::qlogis( rep( 1/K, K-1 ) )
names(par_Theta) <- paste0("pi",1:(K-1) )
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta,
est=rep(TRUE,K-1), P=P_Theta1 )
#*** IRF ordered latent class
P_olc <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
b <- par
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,1] <- 1
for (cc in 2:ncat){
P[,cc] <- exp( Theta %*% b )
P <- P / rowSums(P)
par <- c( -1, rep( .5,, length=K-1 ) )
names(par) <- paste0("b",1:K)
item_olc <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="OLC", par=par, est=rep(TRUE,K),
P=P_olc, lower=c( -Inf, 0, 0 ) )
customItems <- list( item_olc )
itemtype <- rep( "OLC", 12 )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype, customItems=customItems)
#*** estimate model
mod5 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable, customItems=customItems,
customTheta=customTheta )
# estimated item response functions
imod5 <- IRT.irfprob( mod5 )
round( imod5[,2,], 3 )
## EXAMPLE 2: Multiple group models with xxirt
dat <- data.math$data
items <- grep( "M[A-Z]", colnames(dat), value=TRUE )
I <- length(items)
Theta <- matrix( seq(-8,8,len=31), ncol=1 )
#******* Model 1: Rasch model, single group
#*** Theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G ){
mu <- par[1]
sigma <- max( par[2], .01 )
p1 <- stats::dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu, sd=sigma)
p1 <- p1 / sum(p1)
probs <- matrix( p1, ncol=1)
par_Theta <- c(0,1)
names(par_Theta) <- c("mu","sigma")
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta,
est=c(FALSE,TRUE), P=P_Theta1 )
#*** IRF 1PL logit
P_1PL <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
b <- par
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,2] <- plogis( Theta - b )
P[,1] <- 1 - P[,2]
par <- c("b"=0)
item_1PL <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="1PL", par=par, est=c(TRUE), P=P_1PL)
customItems <- list( item_1PL )
itemtype <- rep( "1PL", I )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat[,items], itemtype=itemtype,
customItems=customItems )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_modifyParTable( partable=partable, parname="b",
value=- stats::qlogis( colMeans(dat[,items] )) )
#*** estimate model
mod1 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat[,items], Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta )
#******* Model 2: Rasch model, multiple groups
#*** Theta distribution
P_Theta2 <- function( par, Theta, G ){
mu1 <- par[1]
mu2 <- par[2]
sigma1 <- max( par[3], .01 )
sigma2 <- max( par[4], .01 )
TP <- nrow(Theta)
probs <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=G)
p1 <- stats::dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu1, sd=sigma1)
probs[,1] <- p1 / sum(p1)
p1 <- stats::dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu2, sd=sigma2)
probs[,2] <- p1 / sum(p1)
par_Theta <- c(0,0,1,1)
names(par_Theta) <- c("mu1","mu2","sigma1","sigma2")
customTheta2 <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta,
est=c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), P=P_Theta2 )
#*** estimate model
mod2 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat[,items], group=dat$female, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta2, maxit=40)
IRT.compareModels(mod1, mod2)
#*** compare results with TAM package
mod2b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat[,items], group=dat$female )
IRT.compareModels(mod1, mod2, mod2b)
## EXAMPLE 3: Regularized 2PL model
data(data.read, package="sirt")
dat <- data.read
#------ Definition of item response functions
#*** IRF 2PL
P_2PL <- function( par, Theta, ncat){
a <- par[1]
b <- par[2]
TP <- nrow(Theta)
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=TP, ncol=ncat)
P[,1] <- 1
for (cc in 2:ncat){
P[,cc] <- exp( (cc-1) * a * Theta[,1] - b )
P <- P / rowSums(P)
#** created item classes of 1PL and 2PL models
par <- c( "a"=1, "b"=0 )
# define some slightly informative prior of 2PL
item_2PL <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="2PL", par=par, est=c(TRUE,TRUE),
P=P_2PL, prior=c(a="dlnorm"), prior_par1=c( a=0 ),
prior_par2=c(a=5) )
customItems <- list( item_2PL )
#---- definition theta distribution
#** theta grid
Theta <- matrix( seq(-6,6,length=21), ncol=1 )
#** theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G){
mu <- par[1]
sigma <- max( par[2], .01 )
TP <- nrow(Theta)
pi_Theta <- matrix( 0, nrow=TP, ncol=G)
pi1 <- dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu, sd=sigma )
pi1 <- pi1 / sum(pi1)
pi_Theta[,1] <- pi1
#** create distribution class
par_Theta <- c( "mu"=0, "sigma"=1 )
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta, est=c(FALSE,FALSE),
P=P_Theta1 )
#******* Model 1: 2PL model
itemtype <- rep( "2PL", 12 )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype,
customItems=customItems )
mod1 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta)
#******* Model 2: Regularized 2PL model with regularization on item loadings
# define regularized estimation of item loadings
parindex <- partable[ partable$parname=="a","parindex"]
#** penalty is defined by -N*lambda*sum_i (a_i-1)^2
N <- nrow(dat)
lambda <- .02
penalty_fun_item <- function(x)
val <- N*lambda*sum( ( x[parindex]-1)^2)
# estimate standard deviation
customTheta1 <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta, est=c(FALSE,TRUE),
P=P_Theta1 )
mod2 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta1,
## EXAMPLE 4: 2PL mixture model
#*** simulate data
N <- 4000 # number of persons
I <- 15 # number of items
prop <- .25 # mixture proportion for second class
# discriminations and difficulties in first class
a1 <- rep(1,I)
b1 <- seq(-2,2,len=I)
# distribution in second class
mu2 <- 1
sigma2 <- 1.2
# compute parameters with constraint N(0,1) in second class
# a*(sigma*theta+mu-b)=a*sigma*(theta-(b-mu)/sigma)
#=> a2=a*sigma and b2=(b-mu)/sigma
a2 <- a1
a2[c(2,4,6,8)] <- 0.2 # some items with different discriminations
a2 <- a2*sigma2
b2 <- b1
b2[1:5] <- 1 # first 5 item with different difficulties
b2 <- (b2-mu2)/sigma2
dat1 <- sirt::sim.raschtype(theta=stats::rnorm(N*(1-prop)), b=b1, fixed.a=a1)
dat2 <- sirt::sim.raschtype(theta=stats::rnorm(N*prop), b=b2, fixed.a=a2)
dat <- rbind(dat1, dat2)
#**** model specification
#*** define theta distribution
TP <- 21
theta <- seq(-6,6,length=TP)
# stack theta vectors below each others=> 2 latent classes
Theta <- matrix( c(theta, theta ), ncol=1 )
# distribution of theta (i.e., N(0,1))
w_theta <- dnorm(theta)
w_theta <- w_theta / sum(w_theta)
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G){
p2_logis <- par[1]
p2 <- stats::plogis( p2_logis )
p1 <- 1-p2
pi_Theta <- c( p1*w_theta, p2*w_theta)
pi_Theta <- matrix(pi_Theta, ncol=1)
par_Theta <- c( p2_logis=qlogis(.25))
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta, est=c(TRUE),
# IRF for 2-class mixture 2PL model
par <- c(a1=1, a2=1, b1=0, b2=.5)
P_2PLmix <- function( par, Theta, ncat)
a1 <- par[1]
a2 <- par[2]
b1 <- par[3]
b2 <- par[4]
P <- matrix( NA, nrow=2*TP, ncol=ncat)
TP <- nrow(Theta)/2
P1 <- stats::plogis( a1*(Theta[1:TP,1]-b1) )
P2 <- stats::plogis( a2*(Theta[TP+1:(2*TP),1]-b2) )
P[,2] <- c(P1, P2)
P[,1] <- 1-P[,2]
# define some slightly informative prior of 2PL
item_2PLmix <- sirt::xxirt_createDiscItem( name="2PLmix", par=par,
est=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), P=P_2PLmix )
customItems <- list( item_2PLmix )
#******* Model 1: 2PL mixture model
itemtype <- rep( "2PLmix", I )
partable <- sirt::xxirt_createParTable( dat, itemtype=itemtype,
customItems=customItems )
mod1 <- sirt::xxirt( dat=dat, Theta=Theta, partable=partable,
customItems=customItems, customTheta=customTheta)
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